Published: August 11th 2023, 1:16:49 pm
Hey folks,
Here's the next episode.
Halfway through the story already. I wish all of the books were this short tbh lol.
I'll make this post short too cos I'm gonna bugger off to the gym in a minute. I'm growing muscles so I can beat up some nerds! lol nah i'm kidding.
I've been doing a Jeff Nippard 'Fundamentals' lifting programme for the past 6 months. But I'm not like... swole now or anything. I probably don't eat enough protein. Plus I probably have shit genetics. Plus I drank like a fish the entire time I was making the Day of the Dragon series and have had to go tee total as a result. So basically I'm just a recovering alcoholic with muscley shoulders lol.
Anywho - Thanks. as always, for your support. And I'll see ya in the next Early Access post. Cheers mates!