Published: April 30th 2023, 8:17:38 am
Hey peeps,
Here's the next episode, nice and early.
6 more to go. lol. I should probably stop counting down. Makes it seem like I hate this. I swear in all of the Christie Golden books; the story would be wrapping up by this point. And the last few chapters would be short enough that I could confidently say I'd be done in a few weeks...
But no. All the remaining chapters are ridiculously long. And Rhonin only just arrived at Grim Batol 1 chapter ago. lol.
In other news, I'm going to a chilli festival tomorrow. I'm a bit of a fiend when it comes to hot sauces / spicy food so I'm quite excited about that. Although I can guarantee everything will be massively overpriced so I'll probably just wander about trying to get free samples... get overwhelmed by the queue sizes and then just go home.
Thanks, as always, for your support. Tis much appreciated. And I'll see ya in the next Early Access post. Cheers mates!