
Early Access - Chapter Twenty Two (Part 2)

Published: February 11th 2020, 6:44:55 pm

flying_high10 image #0


Here's the next one!  Kalec has brain farts and "Jaiba" has run out of ideas.  But in Chapter Twenty Three (Next week) the final battle begins.  At last.  

And now for the part where I just ramble a load of bollocks...

So I watched that Locke and Key on Netflix.  I liked it.  I've never read the comics though so I dunno how faithful an adaptation it is.  I've heard that the comics are more horror-based.  Whereas the show focuses more on the Magic side of things.  And also they've kinda removed all mention of Lovecraft.  Like the Town is called Lovecraft in the comics or something.  Whereas it's called Matheson in the show.  I dunno.  

That seems to be a thing lately though - I've seen a few peeps talk about how Lovecraft was a massive racist recently.   Seems to be a hot topic.  Bit odd to me when people decide to "cancel" someone that died 83 years ago, but each to their own, i guess.  

It's that whole debate of whether you can still enjoy the works of someone despite them being a massive twat.  I mean... i'd hate to be the one to tell them that Tolkien was also a massive racist.  And Enid Blyton too.  But if someone feels like they wanna boycott stuff like that... fair enough.  Like i said... each to their own.  

Also... i started watching Mythic Quest.  Cos i like 'Its Always Sunny...' and I figured Rob McElhenney making a show about Game Development would be a real hoot!  And I'm enjoying that too.  Maybe i'm just easily pleased...  But, without spoiling anything specific... it's the stuff like Episode 5 (Dark Quiet Death) of Mythic Quest that really makes me think Rob McElhenney is a secret genius.  I really like shows that can make me laugh but also make me feel something.  Cos i'm just a bloody soy boy really. lol. 

In Channel related news... MadAgs has finished the script for the Barrens video.  So now I just need to kinda tweak it a little bit so it fits my 'voice'.  A lot of the jokes she has written are great as is so it shouldn't take too long.  However i'll have to do it in between working on the Dawn of the Aspects vids and potentially a Hiru video so... still no ETA on it just yet!

Anywho... that's enough rambling.  Thanks for all your support!

See ya!