Published: February 2nd 2020, 10:10:19 am
This video get some things done, I suppose. Which is good. The next video... they're eating fish again so... maybe don't get too excited about that one.
I finally managed to upgrade my Wrathion cloak after the last Early Access post. Currently Rank 8.... might be Rank 9 later cos I should have enough Green Fortune Cookies to enter another Horrific Vision once i've done today's dailies.
Remember how i said I felt like the Orgrimmar vision is easier than the Stormwind one. It definitely is. lol. I can just about finish The Drag and Valley of Spirits (and kill Thrall) before running out of Sanity now. Albeit using all three Sanity Orb thingies. So that's cool.
I very much doubt I'll be able to do the Trade and Dwarven District (And Alleria) next week though. So... ummm... Blizz Alliance Bias confirmed or something?! How dare they!
In case you can't tell... I'm still enjoying 8.3 is what i'm saying, I guess. lol. I also finally unlocked Mechagnome Allied Race. I'm still working on Vulpera... i've kinda neglected my Horde toon. How dare me! In my defence... I unlocked flying on my Alliance character and then there was zero reason to carry on getting faction rep on my Horde.
Ideally I'd rather just wait til the level squish to start levelling those but I'll probably end up just casually doing it during the summer.
Anywho... I'm literally just rambling. Enjoy the rest of your weekend, peeps. Thanks for you support.
See ya!