Published: January 19th 2020, 2:04:45 pm
Oh wow... couldn't have picked a better screenshot myself.
This video is probably going to kill my channel. lol. But hey... If people haven't figured out by now that I don't take things very seriously then... that's on them really.
I actually have a friend who started making TikTok videos. And he did a skit of an artist spending loads of time working on his masterpiece only for it to be revealed that after all that time... he'd just drawn a dick. And surprise, surprise... he got banned. lol. So this video is dedicated to him I guess. Worst case scenario... it'll get demonetized. Which isn't that big of a deal. Idgaf.
I got a bit too brave in a Horrific Vision earlier. Mainly cos the next cloak upgrade is further in and I can't just kill Thrall anymore. But... it didn't go so well. I managed to kill Thrall before running out of sanity but... basically just got 100 Corrupted Mementos and that was it.
The thing I'm a little bit wary of... is that this Horrific Vision type of content is what Torghast is gonna be like in Shadowlands. They've said it'll be endlessly replayable and that each run will be different so maybe it'll be fine. Cos otherwise I feel like that system might start to get old fairly quick. And hopefully, endlessly replayable doesn't mean... as long as you have 10,000 Coalescing Torghasts to get in there in the first place.
It's weird that WoW does seem to have taken the direction of... get people to log in daily for a short amount of time. Whereas I remember Final Fantasy XI was like... 'you live here now. You can never leave. you will spend 4 hours waiting for a party and you must sit and watch the screen the entire time'
Anywho... next video will be back with Kalec (I can hear the groans lol). But not for long. And then the week after... we'll be finishing the 4th eBook and the end will be in sight!
Thanks everybody!
See ya!