Published: December 8th 2019, 2:42:13 pm
Hello everybody peeps...
I managed to get this one done in time - Wahey!
It'll be interesting to see how this video performs. Because, although sub numbers have been gradually increasing... views and likes and stuff... have somehow been decreasing..? Lol. Not sure how that's happening.
Also... i didn't intentionally put the reveal as the last thing in the video... it just worked out that way cos I like to end on cliffhangers. But... in hindsight... probably a brilliant idea. The only time that kinda thing annoys me is when you watch a video that's like...
And then you have to sit and watch 10 minutes of like...
"What i'm about to tell you... will blow your mind!" *Commercial Break* "Things are about to get real!" *Commercial Break* "After this big reveal... you'll never be the same!" *Commercial Break*. "Something Something Something Bellular" *Commercial Break*.
(I really need to stop making jokes like that).
It's that kinda click-bait that pisses me off. Nothing wrong with Click-Bait. But when you throw in the blatant attempts to stretch the video length by rambling and repeating yourself... then I'm out. But then I'm a small channel. And people who do that are usually really successful... so... the jokes on me, really.
Anywho... Enjoy the vid. And hopefully I can get the next vid up in full for you to watch early on Wednesday.
See ya!