
Early Access - Chapter Twelve (Pt. 1)

Published: November 13th 2019, 4:45:37 pm

flying_high10 image #0


Here's Fridays video.  Took a bit longer than expected cos I was trying to make Galakrond look as un-shitty as possible.  

I don't know why I decided to do a voice for Galakrond.  Seemed right in the moment.  But doing that voice actually really hurt my throat lol.  I had a full on coughing fit whilst recording that went on for about 5 minutes.  And then when it was over... I just carried on doing the voice like an idiot.  

Also... as a 31 year old... I don't often feel embarrassed by things anymore.  But I feel like I should probably be embarrased by that voice.  Hopefully it doesn't seem too try-hard...ish.

Anywho... hope you enjoy!