Published: October 2nd 2019, 12:26:54 pm
Hey folks,
Here's the next video for you to view early (if you want).
It's starting to get a bit repetitive, innit? If there's one thing I've learned from doing these novel vids... I'm probably gonna have to start changing things up a bit if I'm going to adapt further books down the line.
- I definitely underestimated how many videos were gonna consist of Kalec just being an idiot and repeating himself.
- There's only so much 'mystery box' stuff that's entertaining before I find myself thinking "yeah alright... stop adding more mysteries and start revealing stuff, you jerk".
But hey... you live and you learn and stuff. Seems like the majority of peeps are still enjoying it.
How is everybody, anyway? Did you enjoy 8.2.5? I'm very glad I don't bother playing on the PTR because... not a lot of content again (imo). I don't mind the direction the stories taken but I feel like i finished the latest stuff in about 10 minutes. Think I might give Destiny 2 another go since it's Free To Play now. I'm just rambling, aren't I?
Cheers peeps! See ya!