Published: May 26th 2019, 6:38:08 am
Hey everybody!
Here's Tuesdays voice-over. Up a bit earlier than usual cos I'm off out for the day to visit my Grandma (she just had a knee replacement). She also has a pace-maker so I'm pretty sure she's a cyborg now.
Also... sometimes these audio recordings start with like 5-10 seconds of silence (which i sometimes forget to remove before uploading on here).
That's because, when I record them, I leave a little bit of time recording just background noise at the start. And use that as a sample to remove the background noise from the entire recording. Which reduces that annoying hum in the videos like there was when I first started. So there's a bit of insight into how I make these things.
One day I'll show you the entire process in more detail but basically i do it in steps...
1) Write the script
2) Record the script
3) import the audio into Camtasia Studio
4) Add the background images for each "scene"
5) Pick and Add the music
6) record the characters in WoW Model Viewer and add those to the "scenes"
7) "Animate" the characters - like all the little puppet movements and stuff
8) Write each bit of text using GIMP and add those as transparent images
...and then render and all that stuff.
Steps 1, 6, 7 and 8 are obviously the most time consuming but I still enjoy it. The longer the video... the longer it takes. Which is why the Starting Zone videos were taking a bit of a toll - I'm not exaggerating when I say they were about 50 hours which I'd have to squeeze into 3 or 4 days.
And I dunno if you've ever watched that South Park documentary... but by the time they've finished making an episode every week... Trey Parker always thinks it's awful and gets all depressed about it. And I can relate to that quite a bit!
Anywho... Was that interesting? lol. I hope it was.
See ya!