
Audio Recording - Ep. 6

Published: November 23rd 2024, 8:52:51 am

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flying_high10 image #1

Hey folks,

I am working on the next episode. I have edited a bit of the video side of things already but I have quite a lot of footage left to capture so I figured I'd just share the audio for now (which is attached to this post; might not show up on the mobile app but it's definitely there)

This is all just set up for Legion so there's not a great deal of in-game stuff I can use. Gonna have to animate a big chunk. But I do need to get footage of both Shaman and Paladin Order Halls, the Broken Shore scenario, the second half of the Demon Hunter starting zone, Lions Rest / Stormwind Throne Room / bit of Durotar B Roll, the Doomhammer Artifact Quest, Dalaran Teleport / B Roll & Suramar B Roll

Probably gonna take several days but I will post Early Access as soon as it's finished.

In other news - I bought a ticket to the LFG London Event in May 2025. So I shall be there. I'm looking forward to it; I've not been to one of these 'convention' type things before. Plus I can go somewhat incognito which is ideal for me considering how bloody socially awkward I can be at times.

I'm pretty sure the Phase 1 tickets have sold out already but there is another round of tickets being sold on the 29th Nov so if you're UK based, free on the 10th & 11th May 2025 and fancy going to a World of Warcraft Meetup at the Red Bull Gaming Sphere... I will possibly see you there!

Anyway - Thanks, as always, for your support. And I'll see you in the next post!