
Early Access - Episode Five

Published: November 10th 2024, 1:45:22 pm

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Here's the next episode. As I said in the last post; it's a bit short. I'm not a miracle worker - I can't make Warlords of Draenor have a better ending than it did lol

But anyway - I will probably take a break now so it will be about 3 weeks before the next video. Maybe 3 and a half. I dunno. I just need to force myself to take a week before jumping into the next one.

At least we've got to the Legion stuff now though. I loved Legion. Probably my favourite expansion. I'm not one of these OG Vanilla players nor have I ever pretended to be. I was playing Final Fantasy 11 back in those days and didn't start my WoW journey until Cataclysm. I have some nostalgia for MoP. But Legion was the moment that I actually decided to start delving into the lore so, obviously, it holds a bit of a special place in my heart or something lol

Anywho - Thanks, as always, for your support. Tis very much appreciated. And I shall see you soon-ish after my little break. Cheers mates!