
Progress Update

Published: September 27th 2024, 12:34:15 pm

flying_high10 main image

Hi folks,

Just a quick update on how things are going

A large chunk of the video is done. It's basically just speech bubbles / text, some more character models, music, crossing the T's, dotting the i's and stuff.

I'm hoping to have it all finished within the next 'few' days. 'Few' meaning maybe 3... or 4. lol

So the next post will likely be Early Access to the finished video. Just to clarify one thing; the reason why I released the first episode a day after Early Access - I was getting REALLY imposter syndromey about it. I realised I needed to just put it out rather than sit and stew in that downward spiral for several days.

But yeah - Is 1 day Early Access acceptable for this series? It takes a bit of the pressure off for me but I don't want anyone to feel like they're being cheated out of the ONLY benefit I can actually provide to Patrons. Let me know!

Thanks, as always, for your support. And I'll see ya soon with the finished video. Cheers mates!