
Early Access - Chronicle Vol. 4 - Part One

Published: September 14th 2024, 2:26:04 pm

flying_high10 main image

Hey folks,

Bloody finished! I'm quite happy with how this has turned out overall. Hopefully you guys feel the same.

Obviously there were a few things to figure out with this one. But it does look like I should be able to get episodes out every 2-3 weeks (hopefully). Although I should probably avoid jumping straight into another episode immediately after finishing one. This was a different way of working and did kinda stress me out a little bit so I will take a few days before I start writing the script for the next part.

But yeah - let me know what you think. I honestly don't know if this feels like I managed to re-capture the spirit of those original Chronicle Vids or if it feels drastically different. And if it does feel different - Hopefully that's not a bad thing(?) lol.

Full disclosure - I was very conscious of the fact that, in my earlier vids, I wasn't all that confident. And as a result I felt like I needed to force jokes here-there-and-everywhere. A lot of those jokes probably didn't land. I may well have over-compensated with this one but I just didn't want to overshadow the story with bad jokes lol. Also I wanted this series to feel slightly different to what I've been doing with the novels. So that was my approach to writing / making this one.

Anywho - Thanks for your patience. And for your continued support.

Cheers mates!