
Early Access - Final Episode

Published: August 17th 2024, 11:12:57 am


Morning folks,

Tis done! Another series finished. And that makes me a happy Buttress.

I shall spend the next several days leisurely cutting together the SuperCut. It's not hard or anything; just tedious. I have to re-render every episode without the outros and then render them AGAIN in one big video file. And I can't really use my computer for anything else whilst it's doing that.

And then, after all of that, I have to upload it to YouTube. And UK upload speeds are not fantastic. So that takes a bit of time too.

But yeah - I'm aiming to get that finished and uploaded (with an Early Access post) for Wednesday. Can't guarantee that but I will try.

After that - bit of a break. I shall be playing The War Within for a bit. Enjoying that as just a fan of World of Warcraft rather than as a content creator. Not that I really make content about up-to-date relevant stuff anyway but you know what I mean. I don't envy other channels lol. I don't know if I could still enjoy the game if I constantly had to drop everything in my life every time a PTR build drops. Or Wowhead datamines a bunch of spoilers. Or a new short story comes out. Or one of those animated shorts. Or any of the things that Blizzard does to market their video game. Or every time there's any controversy which is pretty much every week.

Plus - I assume most of my audience just wants a bit of peace and quiet to play the game as well. So yeah - short break. Maybe a few weeks or something. And then I'll make a start on Chronicle Volume 4.

Thanks, as always, for your support. Tis very much appreciated. And I will see you with the SuperCut Early Access post ASAP. Cheers mates!