
Reupload / Hotfix - Episode 4

Published: April 2nd 2024, 8:31:06 am


Hi folks,

Still working on the next episode but I have ended up making a slight change to Episode 4 because it was bothering me. It's nothing major - Malfurion's eye colour was wrong. It's kind of a significant detail that Malfurion has silver eyes and Illidan has golden ones.

So I went ahead and replaced his model over the weekend. It's a thankless job because no doubt the ACKSHUALLY... folk will still find something else to complain about. But I did it for me, not for them. They can all go and suck a bag of dicks as far as I'm concerned.

Anywho - Hope you all had a nice Easter weekend. The chapters are starting to get longer / more complicated now but I should have Episode 5 finished by the end of the week so I'll see ya in the next Early Access post. Cheers mates!