
Self on self on self

Published: October 15th 2020, 4:22:15 am

elizabeth_angel main image
elizabeth_angel image #0
elizabeth_angel image #1
elizabeth_angel image #2
elizabeth_angel image #3
elizabeth_angel image #4
elizabeth_angel image #5
elizabeth_angel image #6
elizabeth_angel image #7
elizabeth_angel image #8
elizabeth_angel image #9
elizabeth_angel image #10
elizabeth_angel image #11
elizabeth_angel image #12
elizabeth_angel image #13
elizabeth_angel image #14

This set is very near and dear to my heart. I took many polaroids of my body parts to use, and I don't know if you've ever tried to take a polaroid of your own ass, but it's not an easy thing to get right. I then took these self portraits of self portraits on me. I edited the photos myself, and posted one similar to that last one on Instagram. It was incredibly well received and then.. my account was deleted lol. I got it back, but about a week later the self portrait I'd posted was taken down for nudity/sexual content, so I always assumed that was the photo that cause my account to be deactivated. I'm still incredibly proud of this concept and maybe I'll try again someday. I've actually somehow lost some of these photos, since I know these weren't all of them, but even what I was able to recover still makes me so happy when I look at them. 

I just want to thank all of you for giving me a place where I can share these moments with you without fear of being reported or deleted. Without having to censor myself or my art. My nakedness isn't lewd or offensive and, most of the time, I don't even consider it to be sexual. But I do consider it to be beautiful. And I'm so grateful that some of you do, too.