elizabeth sandifer and penn wiggins
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Come away with me w/ @marco.dng
Freak is the new sexy w/@tazia_diana & @singian
Testing the waters w/@subtlefall
Home on digital w/ @nathan.lobato
Tangled w/ @jsrphotos
Bath time w/ @shotwithfilm
Pirate's Booty set w/ @tristanleyco
Hi everyone! If you're seeing this I need your feedback
Soft focus w/@shotwithfilm
I Love Lamp set w/@shotwithfilm
Get Educated w/@2ndlifephotography
Seeing Stars set w/@dr.jzphoto
Smoke set w/ @maxwellswift
Baking set w/ @maxwellswift
Weight of your Wings w/@carlfehres
Weight of Your Wings
I'm Jelly w/@david.m.lary
Seeing double
Forgotten photos w/@infinitepotential22
I took some photos.
Dirty Mirror Selfies
Mish mosh
Self portraits don't always turn out
Almost in Paris w/@subtlefall
Black & white is underrated w/@subtlefall
Just a taste from today with @subtlefall
One more and then goodnight
One Eye Open w/@maxwellswift
Controversial with @bobbykenney3
Shower selfies.
Late night polaroids
Seen w/ @nastasiadusapin
Please ignore the poison oak.
Sneak preview
This was my morning. How's yours?
Happy Monday w/ @c.fehu
Selfies. Cuz you asked for them.
Should I post more selfies?
Film self portraits
Tree hugger w/ @meredeathjames
Smoke & Mirrors
Colors of the wind w/ @subtlefall
Finding the moon in daylight with @lazy.weekday
Spirit w/ @c.fehu
Fuck it.
Warm w/ @shotwithfilm
Voices in the Walls w/ @maxwellswift