Published: July 22nd 2020, 12:42:53 pm
In trying to work with the Patreon Trust and Safety team - I am now going through and removing posts.
I hope you have downloaded the specific things you wanted to save!
I will try to do my best to save what I can, but the terms they're citing is rather vague. So I will do my best, then check in with them again.
The last thing I will remove is the latest posts featuring the folders for July's pictures. SAVE THE LINKS TO THESE FOLDERS. THEY ARE CURRENTLY EMPTY, BUT WILL HAVE PICTURES IN THEM LATER. See links below:
Totally Stuffed info + Links
One of the Gang Info + Links
I really don't want anyone to have paid for this month and not get their pictures, so PLEASE SAVE THOSE LINKS FOR LATER.