
BG Putting on a Happy Face #05 - Totally Stuffed

Published: June 23rd 2020, 10:06:54 pm



NOTICE: All the pictures in this link are of consenting adults performing in role play scenarios. Scenes such as the ones portrayed herein should always be safe, sane and consensual. And fun for everyone involved!  :) 

It's page #5!
This is where the original little series that was voted for ended. With a second metal strap. So after panel 2 in this one, I'm kind of winging it :D

I've planned it out a bit now though, and it looks like it'll be about 11 pages all in all.
Gagging stuff and then some like... ending story stuff. 

It might of course change a bit as I work on it.
I also might need to edit myself a bit as this thing progresses  - so I might have to like go back and remake some things here and there. I dunno! We'll see what happens!
For now, enjoy some more tape. Can't have enough of that, right? ;)

It's fun how an idea can sort of evolve and find it's path.
As I said above - the initial sketch series ended at the 2nd metal band. And I'd divided those first sketches up so that vertical metal band thing came on a page on it's own. But I started thinking how to "get there". Because just adding another strap on top of the tape wrapping just seemed... superfluous. So I started thinking it'd be funny if the 2nd strap was actually supposed to go on the page before, but Harley just got excited. 

And that made me figure out the tape wrapping, and also gave me a chance to do some more mood-swing Harley, and have her insult Bats a bit too :)

I think it came together well, and I really do like Batgirls look in the last one. 

You can see I'm sort of making Batgirl a bit more tough than in the initial doodles, too! It's more fun this way, I think!