Published: May 30th 2020, 2:36:08 pm
NOTICE: All the pictures in this link are of consenting adults performing in role play scenarios. Scenes such as the ones portrayed herein should always be safe, sane and consensual. And fun for everyone involved! :)
Paaaaage #3!
Harley is making sure to make a nice movie, and makes sure Bats doesn't ruin it by ad-libbing extra lines ;)
This sequence of gags is pretty unusual to the "standard" fare, isn't it?
It's fun to mix it up and do weird stuff sometimes. And Harley isn't bound by conventions!
Another DC comics inspiration here. The metal pads are named after 8th metal;
" The form of metal known as the Eighth Metal is the purest form of metal used by gods, two steps from the pure Tenth Metal, and one step from Nth Metal.[1] " (from wiki)
Obviously, it's not actually made from that stuff, but named after it to show it's quality :)
There's one more page based on the original sketch series, after that I'm gonna have to come up with new stuff!
I have the end of the series planned out, but the in-between gag thingies are still up in the air. Though of course there's some things on the table in the first page that will have to be used ;)