
Hoodies - Totally Stuffed

Published: April 28th 2020, 5:19:30 pm



NOTICE: All the pictures in this link are of consenting adults performing in role play scenarios. Scenes such as the ones portrayed herein should always be safe, sane and consensual. And fun for everyone involved!  :) 

So... being a biiit of a perv - my mind starts racing and fantasizing from some unusual and maybe mundane things.
Like the fun prank of pulling someones hoodie strings, so it tightens up around their face! Just a silly fun prank to most ppl? Meanwhile I'm like "how can you doo this its so... erotic...?! :O"

The world has gone a bit crazy recently, eh? I hope you're all OK and safe! For me life is the same in many ways, but I've had a bit of a hard time feeling creative. So I've primarily resorted to drawing the things that inspire me in the moment - because I can't live without drawing! 

And from that, silly things like this comes. A tightened hoodie is the sort of thing that looks kinda silly and dumb - I guess thats why it's funny? To me that ridiculousness just increases the appeal of it :)

I tend to not do many like... just pin-ups like this. I prefer to give my pictures more of a narrative and story. But sometimes the only way to get an idea out of your head is to get it onto a "paper" (screen in this case).

I've been thinking that I over-highlight a bunch of my pictures recently! Like I often tend to just go overboard making everything super shiny. Tried to tone that down a bit here. 

I also really liked the idea of doing very low-key outfits for once, with practically flesh colored underwear and just grey hoodies. 

The first sketch I did had a much more cartoony face of the redhead lady, but while doing lineart I liked doing it a bit less cartoony. Not realistic, but... well you get it. 

A classic gray hoodie has a special feel and look to it,  and I was pleased to realize I could get a really nice looking texture just with my regular pencil brush! 

Theres still more to come this month! Patreon seems to have a bit of problems with loading or whatnot, but stick around! Take care! :)