
Gymstant Loss 2 - Totally Stuffed

Published: March 30th 2020, 8:12:42 pm




NOTICE: All the pictures in this link are of consenting adults performing in role play scenarios. Scenes such as the ones portrayed herein should always be safe, sane and consensual. And fun for everyone involved!  :) 

Here is page 2!
I thought it'd be fun to end it with just a liiittle twist :)
Hope you enjoy!
And let me know if you want to see these two again in anything!
I really made them just for this, but I think they came out kinda cute :D


This page is obviously a bit messier than the first one!
I wanted to add more things - and a sequence that I usually might've drawn out to a page in itself (the gag) just became a little montage. But with the workout theme - a montage seems fitting, right? ;)

As I said in the post for the 1st page, I almost finished this a year ago, but just recently came back to it. In this page I ended up redrawing 2 panels that just didn't look right, as well as restructuring some stuff.
The sequence of pingpong paddle - big paddle - golf club made more sense as a progression, though that made me have to redraw her scarf in the golf club pic (something I didn't realize until I was writing this and had to go back to fix :D)

The color balance was so off in the first iteration of this page, too. Where the first page had the big bully's yellow leotard to balance things, this page was all her hair and increasingly reddened skin just made the whole page super garish. It's why I ultimately went back and subdued the color on the entire thing, trying to give it a little more of a low key warm look.