
Democracy VS The Doctor #11 - One of the Gang

Published: February 27th 2020, 3:06:52 pm


NOTICE: All the pictures in this link are of consenting adults performing in role play scenarios. Scenes such as the ones portrayed herein should always be safe, sane and consensual. And fun for everyone involved!  :) 

Honestly a pretty big surprise that this option won the poll! I thought for sure we'd be getting to her legs by now. But fixing up her hands more won by quite a big margin! I guess y'all figured ~two rolls of tape just wasn't enough to immobilize some fingers, eh? ;)

We'll see what happens next time! 

I say this a lot, but thanks SO much for being a part of my Patreon! I hope you're having as great of a time as I am.  

The Doc comic is (thought it's pretty simplistic, I admit) the longest sequential kink stuff I've drawn now, which is  pretty cool! It couldn't have happened withot all of you! So THANK YOU! :)