
Tier changes

Published: September 30th 2018, 7:21:45 pm


I'm going to set up the other tier's in anticipation of the switch shortly after the beginning of the month. There are a few things to note about the changes that particularly reflect this month: 

- From what I understand, you can edit pledges ahead of time, so that may be best if you are switching to a lower tier. If you are switch up in tier, I believe (might be wrong, info is suspect at best from Patreon ><) that it doesn't matter, since if you go from say the 7 to the 10, it would just add that 3 difference to the current pledge. If anyone has more/better info, please let me know in the comments.

- The $5 Tier will initially have night 2 as it's first reward (as a reminder, that tier will essentially always have whatever the second newest video released is). This should change pretty quickly as we're almost done filming the next scene. my goal is to have the first video up for 10 day's to make sure people have the time to download it; or in the alternative, i'll leave that first video as part of the $10 as the "random" video once it's replacement arrives.

The TL;DR of it is that while it will be a bit wonky in it's first month, the $5 Tier will definitely get 2 videos the first month. the $10 tier will also at lease get 2, possibly a third.

Also worth noting that the $10 tier video will arrive prior to opening the C4S store, so they will have advanced access to it.