Published: May 26th 2018, 4:39:57 pm
The new direction is sort of an Anthology ASMR; the expansion will be story and dialogue in self contained segments inside of the larger overall ASMR. To this end, if anyone has some idea's, this would be the time! some of the things we've tossed around are as follows:
Slow steady growth - smothering with breasts. this one will be a slow steady growth, and more dialogue heavy, possibly with a sexual inflection ^_^
Slow burst growth - allergy - growth caused by an allergic reaction to foods (probably tending to be those with a crunch so as to add to the sounds, but might be caused by a few different kinds of food)
slow water expansion - theme yet to be set. haven't come up with a story yet to go with this one, so feel free to suggest!
moderate growth - clothes burst. no story yet but initial ideas is to include snaps popping and shirt tearing.
this would account for ~20 or so minutes of the video, do these sound good? got any to add? We might be able to work in a fast expansion, but fear that due to the settings of the microphone for the ASMR it may overpower the audio. Feel free to comment/message!