Published: June 23rd 2023, 3:44:34 am
I've been working on DSB non-stop and ultimately had it about 99% bug-free at the end of March. I have been working with my publisher for DSB and have been fleshing out the quests. Right now I would say that I am about 40-50% completed with the game changes. The majority of the changes are on the first Island.
New Stuff
Brittany's House
* Brittany will start the game sleeping on her bed... then promptly fall off it.
* I made as many things in Brittany's house interactable as I possibly could.
* I gave Brittany a pet. A mouse that lives in a hole in her house's wall. Tiddo. (Yes, Brittany now has a boob mouse. If you don't get that reference then I recommend watching Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind.)
A clue board has been added. It tracks what your current task is to-do as well as show the notes that Brittany takes during the investigation. She also keeps files on the characters she meets for that oh-so delicious lore.
I added collectable puzzle pieces to the game. You just simply find them and assemble the puzzle and will receive a picture when you get them all.
Day/Night Cycle
I am sure that the Day and Night cycle of dragon Island was inconsistent and made no sense. Well now, every scene is updated to reflect the passage of time, including the new world map.
New Graphics
New graphical assets have been added throughout the development process. From puzzle pieces, new lowrez avatars and hirez character puppets.
New Dialogue
So far I have added 633 lines of new dialogue and text to the game. Back in March the game had 2000 lines. I've added another 25% more stuff to the game!!!
New Adventure Scenes
I've added a few more completely new scenes to the game. Including: the Dragon Palace, grocery store and bird house. There is going to be some absolutely fabulous RPG goodness to be had in the new locations.
What's next?
Wrestling Minigame
I'll be frank and side with people's input, the wrestling game sucked. I am reworking the game from ground zero. It will not be an easy task but I really want the game to be the best it can be.
Noelle Milk Collection Game
Another min-game that I felt was very weak and not fun to play. I am going to rework this mini game as well to be better.
I have made it up to the crystal caverns in terms of changes in the Quest storyline. This will essentially end DSB Act 1 and bring me into Act 2 where the day/night cycle changes to daytime.
As I do changes and move forward I am making sure that the game is made with utmost care and to not have any bugs or have situations where you can possibly miss out on scenes.
Once all of the game's code is completed I will be able to send the voice lines out to the voice actors to get recorded. Then I will be able to chop up, normalize and import the audio into the game. After all of that is done will be extensive testing and quality checking of the game to make it as perfect as it can possibly be. DSB has been the only thing on my mind except for the new shiny distractions I've made for myself. I expect new animated love scenes to be completed shortly that I will be able to share soon.