
Afterglow Brook Demo Feedback

Published: May 30th 2023, 1:16:08 am


Good afternoon,

Thank you for supporting us and allowing us to continue to make games. I really wanted to branch out and try something totally different this time. I wanted to try "traditional" 2D art and animations for Afterglow Brook. 

I have a lot of plans to make Afterglow Brook into a special experience that will make it more than just a porn game more so than I have done with Dragon Sleuth Brittany. Please know that this demo is just a scene showcase and not how the whole game is going to be. I do intend to have game mechanics in the game that leads up to the love scenes to make the final reward feel good.

If you could take a moment and vote on this poll and leave your honest comments about the Afterglow Brook scene demo on this post it would mean a lot to me.


To the tier 1 patrons:
I will be making this demo and future game builds available one-week after the higher 2&3 tier content is released.

I will be leaving this poll up for two weeks but please don't wait to leave a comment, do so as soon you play the game and have a free moment so that I get your input! Twitter, patreon and discord have been too quiet for my liking so please don't hesitate to make your voice heard.