
GameDev Video - Marsha X Jiren Animation State Machine

Published: June 25th 2022, 1:27:15 am


I already setup the scene layout earlier this week and didn't record it. :(

I recorded the setup of the animation state machine, which in my opinion is much more interesting than watching me place pixel art onto the screen at exact pixel perfect coordinates. :P

The video is sped up 200%. I didn't do an overly complex music setup or call-out cards but I think I did a fairly good job explaining what is going on in an overall manner that isn't extremely technical.

You're only seeing the surface-level stuff of the game development process here. I haven't recorded setting up the animation script, dialogue, and puppet controllers in C#. But I think recording C# programming would be extremely boring except to those that are also programmers.

If you like these kinds of videos please let me know and I'll make an effort to make more.