
Dragon Sleuth Brittany - Island 2 Clueboard

Published: April 18th 2024, 8:49:50 am

cherylbloss main image

I know that I missed the April deadline to release DSB and I most likely will miss May as well because the fact is that DSB really needed serious work and improvements to get its required final polish.

Island 2 will offer a less linear experience from Island 1 and will allow you to complete certain tasks out of order. So that meant I needed to offer a way for the game players to track multiple quest lines. So I present to you, the BIG NOTE! Ta-Da!. It has support for a dynamic quantity of buttons and when you click on a quest title, it will show the hints/tasks to complete that quest line. Once a quest is completed. It will be removed to make room for other quests that are relevant to the current state of the game.

Island 2 is very close to being finished. We are currently working on finishing the quest code and final battle animations. Then we'll return Brittany to Island 1 for the (Scope Creep I couldn't stop) Prego Quest where you'll get to hangout with Prego Brittany, talk to your friends one last time then have a final farewell that I believe will satisfy everyone including one new & last love scene.

Once all of the code is completed for the RPG section we will order the voice acting for the game and while we wait for the VA's to do their thing we'll wrap up whatever is hanging on the mini games and finish those as well. There is a lot to do but I am excited because I do see the finish line.