
Quick Update - Happy Mommy's Day!

Published: May 14th 2023, 4:23:03 pm


Hello everyone! We're halfway through the month, and today is a special day - Mommy's day. I'm celebrating the Moms in my life, of which there are several though I don't have a 'Mommy' per se. 

Today I'm going out with Daddy to visit his regular Mom, which is always a pleasure. Believe it or not, she knows about diaper boys like me and she's totally cool with it, though I'm way to shy to let my diapers show when I visit. But of course, when you life a diapered lifestyle, chances are people will find out sooner or later. That's okay. It's better to accept that you need diapers. It's just another part of life, and the sooner you accept it, the sooner you'll find that others accept it as well. 

This month, I have gotten a lot of collaboration requests, so I've got a few projects on the horizon that came out of it. I'd like to share the ideas that are percolating with you now:

Bab in the Big Blue House - This is based on a show that I never watched when I was little, but it is quickly becoming my favorite as I conduct 'research' for this short story. Of course, I did make a 'Cartoon Corruption' version with the theme song which you can enjoy now if you're interested.

Hypno Voice Collab - A freind named Daddy Kairu will be lending his amazing Daddy voice to an upcoming track or two. He'd like to do a Sleepy Time Hypno, I'd like to do a mini-audio reminding you that Diapers Are Your Underwear, and of course there is this month's poll winner: Born to be Babied

And of course the story of the month is 'Diapercuck's Life'. This one needs quite a bit of revision, I *think*, as there are some small changed I might make that may have a ripple effect on the rest of the story. Namely, I need to pin down the actual size of our cuck, and I'd like to have descent into full babycuck treatment spread out over a longer period of time. I'll also probably end it a little before or after the Cucky Training Daycare arc, as it kind of ends in the middle of that. I can't wait to put this one out, as it's another one of my faves! 

Thanks again for reading and listening to what I make. I hope you continue to enjoy it and I wish you a wonderful Mommy's Day! 

~<3 Champ