
New Hypno: Crinkly Caretaker 1 - Diapered Role Model

Published: April 29th 2023, 5:04:02 pm

chama_pd image #0
chama_pd image #1

Hi Caretakers, and welcome to the first installment of the Champs Crinkly Caretakers training series. Let's train to be a good diapered role model! After all, a diapered caretaker is a role-model for the crinkly ones under their care. Learn how to be on your best behavior, and just what that behavior is. (Thanks to Snazithus and World of Wetcraft for their contributions!)

Hello, everyone! Crinkly caretakers need love too so here is the next hypno for your enjoyment. Thank you for your patience! I hope you enjoy! ~Champ