
Daily Free-Write April 22, 2023: The Guardianship

Published: April 22nd 2023, 10:56:17 pm


Just a little inspiration I had after learning a bit about the concept of guardianship and reading some advice columns about it. The initial exchange is based off of some advice from those columns, followed by ideas from my own imagination. Enjoy!

Dear Babby,

I'm a grandmother of 66 and I have guardianship over my 18 year old grandson, Jeremy. Both parents are out of the picture (drugs!) and I care for him all on my own. He's a sweet boy, and I love him so much but I am at the end of my rope with him taking off his diapers. No matter how many times I talk to him he just does not seem to understand that he needs to keep his diapers on until Gramma changes him.

Today, I found him for the second time stripped down to nothing. He actually took himself to the living room naked and sat himself down for time out! I've tried every solution to keep him in his diapers, but he's quite the little houdini. Is there any way I can keep him from taking them off?


Dear Gramma,

I know just how you feel, and believe me, you are not alone. I have three sons and my husband and I have changed countless diapers over the last 18-22 years with them. Regardless of your stance on how long your kids should wear a diaper or when they should potty train, your young one should respect your house rules and understand that you only want what's best. It's good that you have guardianship so that you can make these important decisions for him. I can recommend some helpful brands of locking sleepers and locking plastic pants that will help keep him from slipping out no matter how busy his hands get. Of course, in the meantime, you could always try the trick of putting his sleeper on backwards with a safety pin through the cloth and zipper. That always did the trick with my little ones! Best of luck!


Jeremy's eyes bugged out as he read the day's paper and saw his name there in black and white. He knew his grandma had some wild ideas, but he didn't think she'd take it this far. Looking down at the bulging pants between his legs, though, he shouldn't have been surprised.

"Grandma, what is this?" He walked out of the kitchen and to the living room, waving around the paper.

"Oh sweetie," said Grandma, "I didn't realize you read the paper! Such a sophisticated young man you are."

"Grandma," said Jeremy, lowering her head and looking at her sternly. "I know you haven't seen me in a long time, but are you really going to keep insisting about the diaper thing? I told you, I haven't needed those since I was like, four!"

"Oh, sweetie," said Grandma, "You don't know what you need. Why, only last night you peed yourself in bed! Imagine the mess you would have made if Granny hadn't diapered you!"

"I didn't have a choice!" said Jeremy. "You put me in those darn bedtime restraints I couldn't get out of."

"Don't raise your voice at me young man. You wouldn't have to go in those if you didn't keep taking off your diapers. You brought this on yourself."

Jeremy growled in frustration. "Grandma! I don't need these things."

Grandma just sighed and shook her head, looking concerned. "I don't know why you won't just give these a chance. If you don't need them, then you can prove it to me by being a good boy and asking to go potty when you need to. I'll even set out your potty chair, if it will make you feel better."

"No, Grandma," whined Jeremy. "I don't need to potty train. I can go to the potty - I mean bathroom - on my own. Without having to ask permission."

Grandma just shook her head. "I can tell it's nap time for you. You're getting cranky, I can already tell! Come along now so I can secure you in bed." Jeremy groaned again but Granny wasn't having any of it. "Come along at once, or do I need to call the program for help?"

Jeremy immediately shook his head no. He did not want anyone coming to forced him physically. She had legal control for the next 30 days, for some ridiculous reason, just because he had shown up a day before his 18th birthday, and too many calls would most certainly extend the length of that guardianship, he had been told.

He hung his head in resignation and took Granny's offered hand, letting her lead him up to the bed.

"That's a good boy," she said, as she finished locking up the last of his restrains, petting his forehead and kissing him on it.

"Wait, I have to go potty," Jeremy said, cursing himself for forgetting to ask before he had been secured in bed.

"That's what your diapers are for sweetie," said Granny, smiling.

"But Gramma, I thought you said I could ask to go!"

"If you really don't need diapers, you can hold it until after your nap. Now sleep tight, sweetie. Granny will be back to change you after your nap."

She turned off the light in his nursery and shut the door, leaving Jeremy to squirm as he tried not to have an accident in his crib.

"It's just a month," he muttered to himself, as he lay there, frustrated. "Then I can be an independent adult and do whatever I want."

Just a month, he said to himself. But part of him worried that it might not be just a month. No, that was just paranoia speaking, wasn't it? As he felt his bladder give way and his stomach gurgle, he had to wonder if he would be able to put up with his treatment that long.