
Otter Update: Working Long Hours

Published: March 16th 2023, 7:16:18 am


Hi all, 

Due to the time change, I'm working this week from 9am to 8pm, so I haven't had time to do any free-writes. Rest assured, I will return to free-writing and editing as normal as early as Friday. 

It's a lot of hours, but the benefit is I'll be traveling to tokyo for the week next week! Exciting! Though it may not seem like it, I think I'll be able to write more while I'm traveling. 

Thank you for all the awesome comments on my posts. By the way, I do want to add in a bit of variety in the freewrites while still wrapping up Little Big Bro. Any suggestions for other types of free-writes to throw in the mix? 

I'm looking for just ideas, but not continuations of past work. Reply with your suggestions!