Published: October 19th 2022, 4:03:15 pm
Hello everyone,
I hope you've been having an amazing October! This is my favorite month of the year. I have had pumpkin pie. I have watched a scary movie. And I just finished writing a spoopy hypno script! That's right, the diaper curses hypno script is finished. If you're a Jr. captain, you'll find a live link to the script in your exclusive content both here and pinned in the Captain's Telegram Chat. It'll have interchangeable body files so you can pick the curse you want, stack curses, or even choose one at random!
I plan to record tonight or Monday because I'll be at ConFuror this weekend - that's a furry con in Mexico.
Next up in the free-writes I plan to do something spooky and an update to Finnicky Baby. Who doesn't love that fuzzy boy? If you have any cool spooky ideas for free-writes, or an October free-write you liked from past years, feel free to comment below! See you soon!
~<3 Champ