
UPDATE: Ott's Happening

Published: July 18th 2022, 4:05:29 am


Hello, everyone! I hope your July is going fantastic, and you're getting a chance to enjoy your crinkles, little space, or whatever it is that you find most enjoyable about this super special interest we all share. I've been feeling like I've had more energy lately, and things are pretty good!

And of course there *is* that whole part about me being back in diapers *full time* *for good*

So far, I've been staying diapered all day every day, and I hope to keep it that way (though I don't think Daddy would let me stop anyway 😈)! Thanks for supporting my work, and enjoying it. You keep me writing and crinkling every day. That's right, just as my hypnos and stories have inspired many of you stay in diapers where you belong, your pledge, comments, and enthusiasm have done the same for me! It's a never ending spiral of diaper depravity, from which there is no escape! Oh no!! 

Today, I put out Snuggly Plushie Sleepy Time Hypno. So what's next?


Your votes told me that  you'd like me to finish some series, so I want to put out the next chapter of Finnicky Baby ASAP, and of course Room for Rent will be a priority to complete. I also want to throw in some variety for the PDFs, so I'll put up a waddler's poll with some story options for you later this week!


Many of you surprised me with a strong vote for Losing to Diapers, which I will collaborate on with my baby diaper bro who is sooo good at explaining just how big babies like us lost to diapers. But first, I have two more hypnos recorded and waiting for editing. The next hypno to come out will be Happy Diapered Sissy Hypno followed by Potty Retraining 4: Bedwetter. I expect that the sissy hypno will take the rest of the month to complete as it's quite a long one! I can't wait to edit it, but I might have to make sure I'm well stocked with pink diapers once I do so. Listening to those suggestions over and over as I edit can have a pretty big impact on my... current interests 😖.

First thing's first though. I owe you a Free-Write! Let's get to it, then!