
Daily Free-Write May 16, 2022: The Auction

Published: May 17th 2022, 6:59:47 am


"I guess we're doing this..."

"Hehe, yeah man," said Jakey, slapping his friend on the back. "Come on, Alex. You're gonna make so much money..."

"It seems a bit excessive to set the starting price at 500, though, don't you think?"

"If someone wants to pay it, who are we to tell them no?"

"Yeah, I guess..." Alex shifted in his seat, thinking about the repercussions of jumping in on the auction bandwagon for his art. He knew people would call him a sellout. Then again, those were people who never spent a dime on his art anyway. "Ahh, fuck it," he said, pressing the virtual button on his tablet screen to post his Super Duper YCH exclusive auction - Today Only! - launch.

"That's the way to do it...." said Jakey, his eyes lighting up as the auction went live... "Now to watch the bids go up, up, and - what? What's... what is that?"

There was an alert - the auction was stopped. Someone had posted the instant buy price of 10x base price.

"Five thousand dollars?" asked Alex. "That's insane!"

"I told you it was too low! Next time make it ten," said Alex.

"Shyeah, really. Well, let's see what he wants..."

"How do you know it's a he?" asked Jakey.

"Come on. Only horny would put up that kinda cash for a measly YCH."

"That's a lot of assumptions there, I don't even have time to unwrap..."

"Okay, whatever. Let's just see what they want," said Alex, rolling his eyes. "Hold on... this guy wants his character in a... erm..."

"What? What is it? It can't be that bad. Heck for five thousand dollars, I'd... oh..." Jakey went quiet as his face went red. The two of them both had a thing for what was on the screen, though nobody knew it - publicly, at least.

"I-I don't know if I can put this on my main account, though man..." said Alex, staring at the character - a cute femboy in a diaper. Exactly what he wanted to be, even down to the details of the outfit he'd dreamt of himself wearing last night.

"Hell, just do it and get the money. You won't have to draw that again. Especially if you up the autobuy to 10k."

"Hehe, yeah, I guess you're right," said Alex, feeling somewhat uncomfortable, but setting his tablet in his lap anyway. "Well, I'd better get to work."

When he was done, he shared the picture with his auction winner.

"Cute, you really captured your future well...."

"Uh... haha... yeah, sure... nice... workin' with ya..."

The auctioner - the voice was pretty hard to make out as masculine feminine, really, now that Alex thought about it - they had insisted on Alex speaking with them on the phone. Still, a high commission made some idiosyncrasies tolerable - it came with the territory, or so Alex told himself.

"Well, I'm glad you like it. Thanks for the business... Goodby-"

"When are you going to post it up?" asked the voice.

"P-p-post it up?"

'Yes, post it up. That was part of the agreement, or did you forget?"

"It... it was?" asked Alex, quickly checking over his contest details. Sure enough, it said - autobuy means no limits on what I will draw and I will post it on my main account! Talk about asking for trouble!

Posting that diaperbutt femboy piece sure got Alex a lot of attention, but it wasn't all positive. A number of people got angry, even hostile, and some others blocked him immediately. On the other hand, he gained a new audience elsewhere - not necessarily something he had been aiming for with his brand given they were all asking for more of the same.

"Dude, this time you won't have to worry about it. Nobody's going to pay 10k."

"Y-you're right, I guess," said Alex, looking distinctly uneasy as he pressed the button again. I wish this darn site didn't force you to set an instant buy option..."

"And here it goes! Up! Up! And... What the?!"

The two of them stared open-mouthed. "Auction stopped... Somebody paid it..."

"Hey buddy," a message popped up on the screen and Alex looked on in horror as it spelled out his fate. "This time I want you to draw in a diaper... go put one on..."

Alex gulped. 10k was a lot of money...