
Daily Free-Write April 29, 2022: Room For Rent Pt. 14.4

Published: April 30th 2022, 4:54:08 am


Ch. 1 Ch.2 Ch.3 Ch. 4 Ch. 5 Ch. 6 Ch. 7 Ch. 8 Ch.  9 Ch. 10 Ch. 11 Ch. 12 Ch. 13 Ch. 14 Ch. 14.1 Ch. 14.2 Ch. 14.3 

"Turkey's ready!" Called Andy, who had at some point escaped to the kitchen with his wife to take out the essential holiday bird.

Everyone was hungry, and eagerly awaited their turn to get a piece of the bird.

"The white meat only please," said Rachel, while Rosie and Rita both agreed that the dark meat really was best.

"What do you think, Colt?" asked Ronald. "Can you help us resolve this little dispute?"

"Well, if you ask my opinion," began Colt...

That's when Robbie's fidgeting got out of control, and he knocked over the apple cider.

"Oh, yikes!" cried Colt, jumping up to avoid getting splashed.

"Oh Robbie," said mother Rita, her voice full of disappointment. Robbie's brothers, however, were eating it up, enjoying the lively and chaotic situation, as a welcome change from being bored out of their minds from a stuffy dinner.

"It was the apple juice," whined Robbie. "I gotta pee..."

"And you couldn't get up and use the bathroom like a big boy?" asked Mom, shaking her head. "It's no wonder Colt has you back in diapers."

Robbie's face went bright red at that comment, and he began to stutter heavily. Whatever he was trying to say was lost in obscurity as he struggled to say anything at all.

"Okay, okay, let's get you cleaned up," said Colt, as Andy rushed over with some kitchen towels, and the two men set about containing the spill, and getting it off of Robbie.

"I'm afraid those Jammies are gonna have to come off, buddy," said Colt.

"Okay," said Robbie, getting up to leave for the bedroom.

"Oh, no, you don't," said Andy.

"What is it?" asked Robbie, defensive.

"You're all wet! You'll get water everywhere."

"Well, you don't expect me to get undressed right here, do you?"

Andy crossed his arms, and Robbie scoffed.

"You can't be serious..."

Robbie looked around the table and saw everyone looking at him with serious expressions. Then he looked over to Colt, hoping to plead his case.

"Don't even think about saying what you're going to say. You be good and let Daddy undress you. We don't want you catching cold."

On that everyone could agree, even Robbie's mom. Especially Robbie's mom, since it was something she would probably have said herself.

"Quit squirming now, baby boy, or you're going to have to sit in Daddy's lap for din dins."

Robbie whined, but he stopped struggling and let Colt unzip his sleeper, trembling - though whether from fear of having his diapers exposed for all to see or whether from cold, no one could tell.

"Aww, poor dear," said Aunt Rosie. "He's shivering!"

"Honey," called Andy, "Can you get the sippy cup? I think we'd better take the precaution with this little guy."

"Sippy cup?!" cried Robbie.

"Stop squirming, sweetie," said Colt. "Let's get you dry."

"Oh, fine," huffed Robbie, crossing his arms and looking away. This drew laughter from the family from the cuteness of it all.

"You really are perfect for each other," laughed Andy, nudging one of his brothers in the chest.

Robbie soon found himself in nothing but his diaper with a sippy cup in front of him. Then, when Andy finally got him his plate of turkey (being the youngest, he was last, of course), he was shocked to see that it had already been cut up for him.

"Andy..." he said, looking totally embarrassed.

"What?" asked Andy. "Isn't that how Colt always cuts your food?"

"It is," said Colt. "He's just being difficult.... And if he doesn't stop complaining, I'll be feeding him his dinner by hand like we do at home, too!"

Robbie squirmed. It wasn't that he hated being babied at mealtime. It was just such a weird thing to get used to around his family. No, that wasn't right. Daddy taught him that there's nothing weird or wrong about the things that he needed. And nothing to be embarrassed about. So why did he feel so blushy and squirmy about it all?"

"I'm beginning to think this dinner thing is a little too adult for our little guy," said Colt, as he ruffled Robbie's hair, rousing him from his confused thoughts. Robbie wasn't the only one getting used to such extreme changes around the holiday season. Because back at the Center for Adult Baby Studies, Robbie's former manager, Baby Brandon, was having a very different thanksgiving of his own...