
Daily Content April 27, 2022: Diaper Enabler Hypno Body

Published: April 28th 2022, 7:36:16 am


Author's Note: Today I worked on hypno scripts. Here's one I pretty much wrote all of today. What do you think? Are you ready to be influenced to wear more? Let me know your thoughts in the comments!

Whenever you think about wearing a diaper, you answer yes. Whenever it's a question of whether to wear a diaper - the answer is automatically yes. Always yes.

Let me be your diaper enabler. Get addicted to diapers. You're going to get addicted to diapers. And it’s your fault, because you chose to listen. But that's okay. You need diapers.

It's okay to need diapers. And you must need the diapers if you keep using them. That's okay, if you need diapers.

And it's okay that diapers make you feel so good.

It's okay that the longer you go without a diaper, the harder it is to resist putting one on.

And it's okay to finally give in to your diaper desires. [Waves of euphoria whenever you give in and finally put on a diaper. Relief. You can allow those feelings to be enhanced....] It's good for you to be in diapers. Cozy and comfy. Cute and crinkly. Diapers make everything better. And aren’t comfy healthy diapers so much better than yucky cigarettes? Yes... they are... Imagine it... Packs of diapers replacing packs of cigarettes, or packs of beer. And you know you’re being so good every time you finish another pack of diapers.

[You can accept that you are safely and securely diapered, and give up on all your adult habits, because it's so much more important to be snuggly and relaxed and comfy!]

You're being so good when you wear your diapers, and it’s easy to tell that you’re being a so good… just by checking your crotch for that familiar protective padding

You know I'm right.. It’s better for you to be in diapers. Wearing diapers is better for you! Diapers make you feel all better. You know just how good diapers make you feel, don't you? And you can recall that feeling now, can't you?

Diapers do so much for you.They can do everything that those icky adult substances like nicotine and alcohol do, and more. Diapers can make you feel good, they can comfort you, make you feel safe, console you when you are scared or sad. And they can even do more than that.

[Yes, it's good for you to realize just how much more important it is to feel comfy and relaxed in your diapers. And who can blame you when diapers feel so good?]

Whenever someone puts you in a diaper, they can remind you that someone cares for you... they can feel like a warm comforting hug from whoever put them on youy, whenever they’ve been put on you by someone else. And they can continue do that for as long as you wear them.

And if you put on a diaper as you listen to my words, you can imagine Champ putting you in that diaper... and giving you that wonderful hug as long as you wear that diaper. You can imagine champ or whoever you like has put you in that diaper... feel that wonderful snug comforting hug as you sink down into trance... deeper and deeper... very good...

Diapers do so much. And they never hurt you or your body. And that's why you can give in to the diapers and feel good about letting the diapers win. Because diapers are the best habit you could ever have. So good  and good for you. After all, you need your diapers.

And aren’t you lucky because you already love them so much, It’s easy to accept that you’ll always wear them. at least some of the time. And if you want, you can feel that good all of the time and wear 24/7. But that’s up to you. And you have friends who will support you when you do make that choice.