
Little Explorer Poll: April Edition!

Published: April 3rd 2022, 10:45:53 pm


It's that time again, folks! Let's vote on the next hypno!

My current hypnos in the works are baby time (recorded, and now editing); and diaper enabler (script in progress). Look below to see what you can vote on!

Thanks to the creative crinklers in my Patron Chat for many ideas! Many of these concepts came from the usual suspects as well as some first time suggesters, so thanks to you all!!


Binky Babbler - Your paci triggers baby babble. Seeing my paci triggers baby babble. Even trying to say I’m looking for my paci ends in adorable nonsense words. Point to your paci and say that you want it, and see what happens!

Be Careful What You Wish For - You begged to be put back into diapers forever, and now you're getting your wish! What's that? You're having second thoughts? Too bad, baby. No take backs! It's 24/7 diapers for the rest of your life. 

Be Careful What You Wish For (Pink n Poofy Princess Edition) - You begged to be a squishy little baby in pink soaky diapers, and that's just what you're going to get, princess. Don't worry, cupcake. Even if you fuss, I know it's what you really want. 

Diaperfap Denial - Try to resist rubbing your diapers. Do your best to try and resist that crinkly pleasure. It gets harder and harder to keep from fapping in your pamps. Harder and harder until you are overcome with the desire to jack off hard in fast in your diapers! (2 versions using terms 'jack off' or 'paw off')

Sleepy Snuggler - Get nice and cozy in your blankie. Suck your thumb or paci. Cuddle your plushie. Make sure you've got your crinkles on too! Then listen as Champ lulls you into a nice sleepy trance with all those items as triggers to help you sleep deeper in little space!

Fink & Shrink - You are cursed to become more and more childish every time you claim you're a "big kid" or "grown up". Every time you tell such a fib, you'll do something babyish like suck your thumb. Will you admit that you're just a little baby, or will you fink & shrink?

Calm Baby - A returning contender! Grab your crinkles and relax to Champ's calming voice. Whether you have anxiety, insomnia, or just enjoy relaxing in a light trance, all this one will do is help little ones relax and feel calm and centered. Especially when you're in diapers. (Includes calming diaper cupping trigger)

Potty Retraining 4: Bedwetting - Listen to this track before bed time or while you sleep to help you become the bedwetter you know you want to be! (Warning: Champ is not responsible if you become a lifetime bedwetter after undergoing this training!) 

Big Kid Test - Can you pass the big kid test and prove that you're a big boy? You have to pass all the parts, like peeing in your pampers, putting in your paci without help, and crawls on all fours. Do you think you can complete this challenge, baby? You're welcome to try! (neutral, boy, and girl version)

Dumb Stinky Diaper Humper - Another returning contender which did well in the polls. Inspired by a recent Sk8r boi free-write, this hypno will have you humping like a dummy in his stinky diapers. Keep on humping as you get dumber and dumber listening to my words. CW: Messing, Humping

Good luck and thanks for voting!

~<3 Champ