
Update: End of the Month

Published: March 29th 2022, 6:03:02 am


Hey all! I'm so stoked I was able to get the latest story, Just What the Doctor Ordered out today. Up next, I'll be working on the next hypno script: Little Time and hopefully recording this week too! I'm going to be busting my tail to get out more content every day, and thank you for your patience on this busy month. 

Free-Writes will resume tomorrow since today was spent doing editing. My new bedtime is 11-12 PM, so I'm going to do my best to be a good ott and stick to that, and get up early early as well. 

~<3 Champ

P.S. Are you interested in more posts of my baby life like I posted last week? I'll poll it out, but do let me know below!