Published: February 12th 2022, 9:07:35 am
Pt. 1+2 Pt. 3 Pt. 4 Pt. 5 Pt. 6 Pt. 7 Pt. 8 Pt. 9 Pt. 10 Pt. 11 Pt. 12
Being changed was nothing new for me, but being changed by my owner was new. It felt... like butterflies in my tummy... it made me feel... owned, but also cared for. The way he picked me up and carried me, holding me close, bouncing me lightly. The way he carefully laid me down, ran his soft paws down my sides until they rested on my crinkly diaper. The way he smiled down at me as he gently opened my diaper, and wiped me all clean. I was overcome with the warm fuzzies as he did this and feeling the comfy new diaper hug my bum to my tum as he pulled it up between my legs... well, it felt like a hug. A hug that stayed with me all the way to the stroller as he swooped me off of the table and across the room and finally down to my next confinement.
I wanted to hate it, but I didn't. I felt like I was betraying everyone and everything I knew before he took me. But come on, this was my ultimate fantasy, being babied and cared for like this. I felt guilty. But I couldn't help but smile and blush just a little as he brushed his finger under my chin, and tweaked my nose.
"There's my little pet. Good boy spot. You're such a good boy!"
I was practically glowing as he put a soft and fuzzy blanket on me and pushed me out to the limo. Well, limo-saucer.
"You're not going to strap me up in the... okay, it's still there... Hi Laffy. Hi Maffy." The two otters smiled and waved at me as they waited for us to board. Once again, Daddy sat me in the incredibly secure seat, with insulating neoprene bodysuit. I never felt more secure in my life. I also never felt more confined. I knew nothing short of a planet destroying asteroid was going to hurt me and I couldn't move an inch.
"Alright, there we go! All strapped in. Now, let's go to the market." Daddy smiled and patted me on the head, then he gave it a little tilt, and everything he and the two otters said turned back into indecipherable squeaks, churrs and warbles.
"**** **** ***?" Daddy tilted his head and looked down at me smiling. I had no idea how to respond. I just stared up at him and tilted my head as well.
Then, I saw the feeder hose in his hand. I knew what that meant. More blue pee pee juice.
I spent the rest of the ride sucking on the hose, drinking juice, and warming my diaper. I tuned the noises out, I was outside the window. Looking at the scenery go by. Watching the compound go by, changing as we went through one tall stone gate, then another. I was watching the fields. I was out of this world.
And then we were there. At least I thought that's what Daddy was saying. It came out more like: "****!"
Daddy removed the juice feeder and warble-clicked at me some more as he unstrapped and unwrapped me. He cocked his head at me for a second when I didn't respond. Then he gave another quick tilt and spoke words I could understand.
"Oh, right. That should be better. Well, Spot. Ready or not, it's time to hit the market!"
I looked out the window again and back to him. There were so many creatures out there, and here I was with a collar around my neck and nothing but a blanket to hide my shame.
Daddy picked me up and scooted me toward the door. My smiling otter playmates - yes, 8 foot tall blue-furred otters were my only friends here - stood behind the stroller, ready and waiting for me to go in. I sat, and Laffy reached down to strap me in. I put out my hand.
"Please.... Don't."
"Is that okay?" Laffy asked, looking over to Maffy. Maffy looked over to Daddy, and Daddy nodded.
"It's fine. Let's let him enjoy the market a bit, huh? He can get up and feel things with his own hands. Provided we say it's safe." He looked at me and gave me a wink. I looked back at him and nodded.
I was glad that they trusted me enough to leave me unstrapped. I hoped my devilish smile didn't translate too easily.