
New Hypno! Potty ReTraining 2: Wetting Go

Published: January 23rd 2022, 5:13:24 pm

chama_pd image #0
chama_pd image #1

**Warning** **MAY LEAD TO UNPOTTY TRAINING** **Warning**

Encouraging and reinforcing incontinence, this file will have you peeing your pants, so be sure to wear a diaper... unless you want to pee your pants. Best just stay safe and padded if you listen to this one, unless you're ready to pee your pants!

**Warning** **MAY LEAD TO UNPOTTY TRAINING** **Warning**

Hey folks, it's finally here! The potty training file you voted for in the Explorer's poll! Next up I'll be editing the Praise Kink hypno. That one is going to encourage diaper use among other things. Both of this month's hypnos will be non-sexual, and useable with or without diapers. I hope you enjoy this file, and please let me know how you liked it (and how it affected you😈 ) in the comments below!

~<3 Champ


The (Calimore) binaural track came from the incomparable Calimore on (LINK).

The other binaural (Champ's Binaural) was made on mynoise. Please note - everything on this site is for personal use only, unless you pay to license the file like I did!

The water tracks all came from I stacked three on top of each other to achieve the perfect background mix. Here are the links:

'Gurgling Water' by toam on Freesound:

'Waterfall Saas-Fee Catchment South' by LG on Freesound: 

'River Stream (Subtle, Slow, Gentle)' by CaganCelik on Freesound: