Published: December 5th 2021, 8:34:32 am
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14
CW: Messing
When the lesson ended and my visor was taken off, I was shocked to find myself still strapped down to my chair in the nursery/feeding room. I had completely forgotten I was in a simulation or, more disturbingly, lost the ability to tell the difference.
"And that's all for tonight. We'll see you all tomorrow, kiddos. Now get some shuteye."
I was rather surprised to see that a few of the chairs were already empty when our visors came off, and even as we were released, we could tell that our unit had gotten a little bit smaller.
"Hey, where's PeeJay?" asked one guy. For some reason this seemed important because nobody really knew what happened to the guy. I had barely met the guy. He seemed almost catatonic when I saw him rubbing his diaper to cartoons on TV before dinner.
"Hey Linda," I asked, approaching the still smiling hiring manager, and apparently manager of employees and employee training in general. "Have you seen PeeJay?"
"OH, yes, he's been switched to the night shift," she said. All the guys within earshot seemed to nod and accept that explanation as making perfect sense.
"Ohh, he got put on the night shift."
"Makes sense to me..."
Was I the only one who thought this made no sense whatsoever? I tried to ask her more but I had barely opened my mouth when Chubs grabbed me by the elbow and led me away.
"Thanks Linda," he called as he dragged me away. "Let's beat it, Boomer," he said in a lower voice, and pulled me out into the lot once more. It was dark out and I wondered just how much time had passed in there. I looked wistfully toward the apartment tower where Daddy Gareth lived wishing I was sleeping there tonight.
"Don't worry, bud," said Chubs. "Just stick with the program. Everything will be fine."
Program. That's what it felt like. Like I was in some program. "Where the hell are the night shift people, anyway?"
The factory seemed to be running, but I didn't catch sight of anyone but the other dayshifters as we left.
"Couldn't tell ya, bud," said Chubs. "Never seen 'em."
He threw an arm around my shoulders, leading me further from the factory, further from the executive suites where Linda and Daddy Gareth were probably kicking up their heels. Back toward our dorms.
Already, my memory of some of the lesson was fading and yet, I felt like I knew a lot move about my diapers. For example, I knew I needed a change...
*Squish Squish Squish*
"Man, I really did a number on these Supes!" That was slang for super soggers, one of our most absorbent brands.
"Did you just soak 'em, or anything else?"
"Just soaked em, but you know how it is with the amount of SAP in those Supes. Sitting in one place for a few hours is gonna get you a leak for sure without enough pulp to wick off the wetness..."
Chubs raised his eyebrows and looked at me.
"Wait, how the hell did I know that?" I asked.
"Guess you learn quick, bud," said Chubs, patting my back and laughing. When we got back to our and I knew just where to go to get changed and how to do it myself if need be. I could see it. It was like instinct now.
"I'm gonna need a change, Chubs. You think the changing table will be free?"
"Wow, you really do learn fast. I never even showed you that, did I?"
I shook my head. What was with me tonight? It had to be the lesson... maybe they went over it and I forgot... it all felt a little fuzzy to me. But that was the least of my worries because when we entered our dorms, I was shocked. Someone had been very busy while we were gone.
"What the... ?" I started.