
Weekly Update: Poll Results & More

Published: November 14th 2021, 7:21:33 am


Hello everyone! I hope you had a great week! It's already middle of November. Wow! Before we know it, it'll be December... and then? ...January! ...and so on... and so forth! Gasp!

I had no idea where I'd be when I started  this adventure, but it's exceeded my wildest expectations in every way. One of the biggest is just how much content I've been able to produce. Where did all these stories come from? Two places:

  • My Random Brain - I never encounter writer's block. If anything I have too *many* ideas. That's why free-writes are such a natural choice for this account, and a lot of you seem to be enjoying them. I'm so glad!
  • Your Random Brain - Your comments and ideas help me too! I get many ideas from pms, comments on posts, or chat in the telegram group. I love it! Keep those fantastic ideas coming!

And now onto the news of the week, and that is poll results! 

First up we have the...

Little Explorer's Poll

This month's winner is Embarrassing Diaper Change. Imagine getting changed in front of everyone by your caretaker. How embarrassing! Voting is still open on the genre this audio will be. It's a toss up between 

  • Guided Visualization -I put you in trance, then I tell a story, in the second person with you in the star role 
  • Role-Play - I talk to you in dialogue form, as if you're talking back
  • Traditional Hypno - I put you in trance and give you some simple suggestions, leaving the rest to your imagination. 

A couple votes could be the deciding factor here, so if you're a little explorer and you haven't voted, better hurry and cast your vote here!  

Little Waddler's Poll

Waddlers voted for content mix, story distribution, and of course, most anticipated stories! Here's what you said: 

  • Using the Free-Writes to write up first drafts of waddler content is a-ok for many of you. Even more of you don't care either way. You just want to keep seeing that sweet sweet crinkle content!
  • A couple of you voted for continuations in the waddler content, and a couple of you voted for continuing series. The majority, however, still don't care either way, as long as you can get your crinkly crinkly content fix! Oh yeah!
  • Finally, it's no surprise that Room for Rent was voted to continue this month, and that's good because the next chapter is already complete! I just added 10 pages to the chapter today, bringing the total to about 16 pages. All that's left to do is to edit and I can post it up as a PDF! Jr. Captains can read it now by checking out the Captain's Chat or today's Jr. Captain Tier post!
  • Some of you made specific requests for content like Granny Grabbed, Babied by Billy, Loophole, Gay Cuck Content, and Baby Factory. I'll do what I can to add to these. So far, I 2/5 of these requests have shown up in the free-writes.  

Tummy Time All Patron Poll

You voted for an option for how to create an easily accessible archive of all my work, and the results are in. First choice is personal website (paywall). Followed by Discord server and Google Drive. Having talked to my IT expert companions, I'm going to look into the website option, though I may not be able to implement the paywall. Of particular interest is building a website that can display stories as plain test, or in an embedded e-reader. Wouldn't that be awesome? 

That's all the news for now. Keep an eye out for that next chapter of Room for Rent and a few alt audio edits which I've got on my to do list. 

Be seeing you soon, crinklebutts!

~<3 Champ