
Daily Free-Write October 3, 2021: Were-Baby Pt. 3

Published: October 3rd 2021, 8:17:40 pm


Continuation of October 2, 2020: "Were-Baby  Pt. 2"

Part 1 & 2  

"That's right. All adult were-wolves are fully incontinent." The pups all looked at White Wolf in shock. White wolf shrugged. "It's the price we pay for our incredible powers."

As if to punctuate this point, the sound and smell of the great big wolf pissing his diapers filled the cave chamber and White Wolf's diaper began to sag. Most of the pups hadn't even noticed that White Wolf was wearing a diaper yet and were shocked as this was brought to their attention.

"B-but how come the legends never spoke of were-wolves in diapers?" asked another wolf cub wearing wire-rimmed glasses.

"Think about it," said White Wolf. "Did you notice the diaper when you were bitten?"

"No, I... I guess not..." said the nerdy looking wolf cub. "I was too busy looking at those huge fangs of the snarling creature above me."

"Exactly," said White Wolf. "Nobody notices because they're too busy being freaked out. If they are close enough to notice the diaper, they're probably about to be turned into werewolves themselves."

The pups nodded, seeing the sense in this.

"Of course some may clock it for a half second and read it as regular underwear, which is probably why we have quite a few of those nice pin-ups I keep in my office..." White Wolf paused for a minute and looked pensive. "Ah...  bara werewolves in underwear...what a time to be alive..."

"Uh... sir?" asked the nerdy pup, prompting White Wolf to snap out of it and resume his lecture.

"Huh? Oh... oh yeah... Uh, where was I? Yes, the point is, don't get seen as a werewolf, and if you are, you'd damn well better be turning them."

"I have a question," said Jace. "How come there are no girl were-wolves?"

"Of course there are girl werewolves," said White Wolf. "Maybe you just couldn't tell under all that fur, but there are wolves of all types. And before you ask, no not all of us are gay. I happen to be pan, myself."

"How did you know that was going to be my next question?" asked Jace.

"Because you and the whole rest of the soccer team seem to be playing on one side of the field, if you catch my drift." There was an awkward pause of confusion before Jace, Bryce, and the nerdy wolf's eyebrows shot up in recognition.


"The one and only. I have a feeling we're going to have a great season. Just don't play too well, you three, or you'll blow our cover." The three pups again looked surprised as they looked at each other again.


"Bryce?! Jace?!"

The were-pups all went through a series of emotions from being surprised, to being embarrassed and trying to cover up their diapers, to being kind of excited.

"Calm down, pups. Let's go ahead and wrap-up so you can catch up before it's time to go home. I know you're all going to be breeding like rabbits pretty soon, so  let's go over safe sex one more time..."

After the lesson was finished, the pups were full of questions for coach.

Yeah. I knew about the little tradition of the virgin tree." he said, shrugging. "I was on the team myself once, you know."

"What?! You mean you set us up?!" asked Jace, sitting back on his padded butt as if the wind had been knocked out of him.

"Let's just say I helped things along last moon. Sorry I couldn't be there in person, but I had a special assignment I needed to take care of..." He ruffled the bespectacled pup's headfur, and the others could practically see the heat of the pup's blush rise from his snout.

Once they were finished barraging Coach with questions, Ollie, Jace and Bryce huddled up. The conversation went something like this:

"How did you two get turned?"

"We were going to the virgin tree..."

"To nail our virgin underwear up. You know how we do..."

"So that's where my jockstraps went..."

"Wait... so which one of us took your virginity?"

The last question drew a sly grin from the little white wolf.

"I'll never tell..." said Ollie, who had, in fact, been with half the team as their 'virgin conquest' that year. Jace looked visibly disappointed that he wouldn't get to find out, but Bryce noticed and quickly changed the subject.

"So you got turned by coach? How did that happen?" asked Bryce.

"Well," said the little white wolf, pushing up his glasses. "I made it happen. I figured out what he was, and I cornered him in his office one day and made him agree to turn me."

"But why?"

"Are you kidding? Werewolves are cool as heck, and hot too."

"You have a thing for coach, don't you?" asked Jace, nudging Ollie in the ribs.

"Do not!" said Ollie, face glowing like a furnace in the dim cave.

"Do too! Do too!"

Before long, the murmurings and growls in the three young pups' minds began to hint at the end of the gathering. Dawn was approaching and everyone had to be in bed before too long. The three were-pups agreed to talk more at school, and they all felt a little closer, having this secret to share. Before they knew it, they were all in their beds and regular nighttime diapers, dreaming of wolf-things, and perhaps more than a few sexy were-wolves in their special underwear.