
Daily Free-Write September 9, 2021: Finnicky Baby Pt. 6

Published: September 10th 2021, 7:09:34 am


Continuation of September 8, 2021, "Finnicky Baby Pt. 5"

Part 1+2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 

"Are you sure you two aren't a thing?" asked Judy, as she munched away at a salad on their much anticipated dinner date.

"Listen, Carrots, I don't know how many ways I can tell you the thing we've got going is strictly platonic."

"Well, congratulations, in any case. Getting your own place is a... It's a big step. I mean, heck, I just barely moved out of my parents' place myself and I'm still living in a tiny apartment - which I love by the way," she added, her signature brand of optimism surfacing again. "It's good to see you finally going legitimate."

"Hey! Not so loud," said Nick, looking around. "I've got a rep to protect."

Judy giggled, spitting chunks of salad onto the table. "Not while I'm eating, Nick!" she said.

"Well, I'm glad someone gets my humor," said Nick with a grin. He really did enjoy spending time with Judy, and even though she sometimes made some insensitive boneheaded remarks, he knew she enjoyed his company too.

"What?" asked Judy.

"What do you mean what?" asked Nick. "I didn't say anything."

"You've got that dumb look on your face again."

"This is how I always look, thank you very much." said Nick, taking mock offense.

"No, you were daydreaming again, weren't you? Where is it that your mind goes when you get that look, Nick? I've always been curious."

"Once mystery at a time," Nick said, straightening his collar. "You're already reached your allotment for tonight. You'll just have to wait til next time."

Judy smirked. "Are you asking me on another date?"

"No, but it's interesting that your mind went there," countered Nick, raising his eyebrows.

Judy giggled. "Tch. Shut up, you big goof. Alright. I'll bite. Next time we do this, I'm going to expect an answer, though."

"Sure," said Nick. "But can we pick somewhere else?" he asked, picking up his fork and looking at the tomato on the end of it with mild distaste.

"Oh, you want something a little lively, eh? How about a stake-out?" asked Judy. "I could use a stake-out buddy." Nick thought about making a steak joke but he didn't want to spook all the preyfolk in the restaurant.

"Staying awake all night in a cop car and not moving for hours on end?" he said. "Sounds great..."

"That's the spirit!" said Judy. "The excitement. The suspense. I'll get you on the force yet, buddy."

"Don't bet on it, bunny," said Nick, chuckling. Judy was just so adorably naive.

Late that night, Nick stumbled into his building, tired and sleepy, groggily made his way to the service elevator, and down to his sub-basement basement dwelling.

"Home sweet home," he said, as once again he flipped on the light to reveal a dingy waterlogged space full of pipes that dominated the walls of what had been made to resemble a living space - enough to charge rent for, anyway. "Heck, in Zootopia, you could rent out a cardboard box for a few hundred a month... Hey, I'd better write that down..," said Nick, loosening his tie and unbuttoning his shirt. He looked around himself. As much as he was eager to get moving into his new place, he also felt like he would be leaving behind some part of himself. This had been the first place he lived on his own, and he was still proud of that achievement. But he wasn't going to dwell on it too long. He had been planning on moving out for years. Before Finnick even said yes, he'd already had a place in mind. "Weird to think this is going to be one of the last times I sleep here. Ah well. C'est la vie!"

Tomorrow he would kiss this apartment goodbye - only figuratively of course, as he'd never put his mouth on any surface here for fear of catching tetanus or something. Nick drifted off into a comfortable sleep thinking about Judy and Finnick and how nice things really did come in small packages.