
Update: Progress Report

Published: August 21st 2021, 2:48:27 am


Diaper Training Five: Comfortable in Diapers is recorded and boy is it a doozy. After a difficult session on Wednesday, I re-recorded it last night and it came out amazing - and really long. It's now time to start editing this bad boy to see how much of this is retakes versus what I'll use in the final recording. 

I'll  start working on the next chapter of Room for Rent this weekend - Robbie has a lot of growing to do, and it's not going to be growing up. 

In other news, a story and hypno unlocked for those of you at the $2 and $5 tier. I think there are gonna be a lot of happy crinklebutts sucking their pacis and crinkling to fun stories this weekend. What does your weekend look like? 

Don't forget to put on a nice fresh diaper and drink your water. And take some time to relax and be comfortable in diapers. I can't wait to finish this latest diaper training file. I think it's going to be very special. 

~<3 Champ