
[3 mini stories] The BodyFlex Pro X

Published: December 1st 2024, 1:03:52 am

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Hi Hi ✨

Sorry for the radio silence lately, but here are the posts I’ve been working on! This one gives you a sneak peek into what tier 3 and 4 members get, but don’t worry, if you’re in either tier, you can also access some extra images for each story. I had a blast writing these, and I hope you enjoy reading them too. I’m also experimenting with different storytelling techniques and trying to tie all three mini stories together in a single universe. Have fun reading! Let me know if you like the concept so far, and I’ll keep writing this story for you.


1. Debug

WhatsApp Group Chat: "The Code Monkeys 🐒"

Tuesday, 14:23

*Sarah*: Anyone else having weird issues with the new FitTrack app update?

*Marcus*: Define weird

*Sarah*: My achievements aren't syncing properly. Says I hit my 10k step goal but the rewards aren't processing

*Marcus*: Classic backend issues. Nothing new there 🙄

*Jen*: Wait... you're using FitTrack too? I've been having the strangest glitches since yesterday's update

*Sarah*: Oh thank god, thought it was just me. What's happening with yours?

*Jen*: This is going to sound mental but... my measurements in the body tracking feature keep changing. Like, significantly.

*Marcus*: Probably just buggy inputs. Those sensors are never accurate

*Jen*: No, Marcus. Not the inputs. ME. I'm actually changing.

*Jen*: I hit platinum status this morning and my clothes started feeling tight

*Jen*: Now I'm pretty sure I'm a full inch taller than I was at breakfast

*Sarah*: Holy shit

*Sarah*: Jen... are you sitting down?

*Sarah*: The same thing is happening to me. I thought I was going crazy

*Marcus*: Very funny, you two. What is this, some elaborate prank?

*Jen*: I WISH I was joking. My favourite jeans just split at the thighs

*Jen*: And before you make some snarky comment - they were loose yesterday

*Sarah*: Guys... I just checked the app's code through our dev portal

*Sarah*: There's something really weird in the latest build

*Sarah*: Look at this snippet I'm sending to our private repo

*Marcus*: Checking now

*Marcus*: What the actual...

*Marcus*: This can't be right. These variables aren't just tracking physical changes

*Marcus*: They're somehow CAUSING them

*Jen*: In English, please? Kind of having a crisis here 🆘

*Sarah*: The app isn't just measuring progress anymore

*Sarah*: It's actually altering user biometrics when certain achievements are unlocked

*Sarah*: And it looks like it's affecting women differently than men

*Marcus*: Running tests on my build now

*Marcus*: Oh no

*Marcus*: Oh NO

*Jen*: What?

*Marcus*: I think I just found out what happens to male users

*Marcus*: My watch feels looser

*Marcus*: Guys, I think I'm shrinking

*Sarah*: Nobody breathe a word of this to anyone

*Sarah*: We need to figure out what's happening before this goes public

*Sarah*: Meet at my place in an hour?

*Sarah*: ...if you can still reach my doorbell 😬


*Jen*: I would laugh but I just hit my head on the kitchen cabinet

*Jen*: This is really happening, isn't it?

*Sarah*: Looks like it

*Sarah*: Bring your laptops

*Sarah*: And Jen? Maybe grab some loose clothes

*Sarah*: Something tells me we're going to need them

Tuesday, 15:45

*Marcus*: Running late

*Marcus*: Had to stop and buy smaller shoes

*Marcus*: This is a nightmare

*Jen*: At least you can still buy regular clothes

*Jen*: I'm wearing a bedsheet as a toga

*Jen*: See you soon

*Jen*: ...from above 😅

2. Growing apart

From: [email protected]

To: [email protected]

Subject: Missing you and weird fitness app stuff

Date: November 15, 2024

Dear James,

I know we just video called yesterday, but the strangest thing happened and I had to tell you. Remember that new fitness app I'm using to train for the London Marathon? FitTrack? Well, the oddest thing - I hit my first "platinum" achievement for completing 100km in a week, and... this is going to sound mad, but I swear my running clothes feel tighter. Not in a "I've gained muscle" way, but like they've shrunk. Even my sports bra is uncomfortable.

Probably just in my head. Training's been intense lately.

How's the research going? Have you adjusted to the new lab yet?

Missing you terribly,

Em x


From: [email protected]

To: [email protected]

Subject: Re: Missing you and weird fitness app stuff

Date: November 15, 2024


That does sound strange. Maybe check the washing machine settings? Though I know how particular you are about your workout gear.

Lab's fine. Still struggling with some of the cultural differences. My supervisor keeps apologizing for speaking "poor English" when his English is probably better than mine. Makes me wish you were here - you're so much better at navigating these social situations.

Missing you too. Three more months until Christmas break.




From: [email protected]

To: [email protected]

Subject: You won't believe this

Date: November 18, 2024


I need to tell you something, and I need you to not think I'm crazy.

Remember those tight clothes I mentioned? It wasn't the washing machine. I just got back from the doctor's and... I've grown. Actually grown. I'm 5'11" now. I was 5'8" last week. The doctor thought her equipment was malfunctioning until she measured me three times.

The truly bizarre part? I'm not the only one. There's a whole Reddit community of FitTrack users experiencing the same thing. Apparently, it's something to do with the app's latest update. Only affects women, and only after hitting certain achievements.

I don't know whether to be terrified or excited. I mean, part of me knows I should be freaking out more, but... I just ran my fastest 10k ever. My legs feel amazing. Strong.

I just hit another achievement this morning. Platinum level in strength training.

Please tell me this doesn't freak you out too much.


Em x


From: [email protected]

To: [email protected]

Subject: Re: You won't believe this

Date: November 19, 2024


Are you serious? This sounds impossible. Have you considered uninstalling the app? Maybe you should stop using it until they figure out what's going on.

I'm worried about you.



From: [email protected]

To: [email protected]

Subject: Can we talk?

Date: November 22, 2024


I know you're concerned, but I wish you'd be a little more supportive. I didn't choose this, but it's happening whether we like it or not. And honestly? I feel incredible. I'm up to 6'2" now, and everything is just... easier. My marathon training times have improved dramatically. I've had to buy new clothes (again), but I'm setting personal records every day.

I attached a photo from today's training session. Yes, I'm the one in the middle. Yes, I'm now the tallest in my running group.

Can we video chat soon? I miss seeing your face.


Em x


From: [email protected]

To: [email protected]

Subject: Re: Can we talk?

Date: November 23, 2024


I... I barely recognized you in that photo. You're towering over everyone. How are you so calm about this? This isn't normal. None of this is normal.

I need some time to process this. Rain check on the video call?



From: [email protected]

To: [email protected]

Subject: This isn't fair

Date: November 30, 2024


It's been a week. You haven't answered my calls. One short email isn't exactly the supportive response I was hoping for from my boyfriend.

Yes, I'm 6'5" now. Yes, I can lift weights that would have seemed impossible a month ago. But I'm still me. Still the same Emma who cries at dog videos and can't cook rice without burning it.

I need you to understand something - I can't stop using the app. Not won't, can't. The marathon is in three months, and FitTrack is integrated with all the official training and registration systems now. Every qualified runner has to use it.

I miss you. Please talk to me.



From: [email protected]

To: [email protected]

Subject: I'm sorry

Date: December 2, 2024


I'm sorry for disappearing. You're right - it wasn't fair. This whole situation has me rattled, but that's no excuse.

I saw the news about FitTrack here in Japan. They're delaying the app's launch for "technical issues." Now I understand why.

I've been doing a lot of thinking. Maybe we should postpone my Christmas visit. Just until things... stabilize? You understand, right?



From: [email protected]

To: [email protected]

Subject: Moving forward

Date: December 3, 2024

Dear James,

I'm not going to pretend that last email didn't hurt. A lot.

I hit another milestone today. I'm 6'8" now. I had to duck to get through my front door. My running club has been incredibly supportive - they even found me a seamstress who specializes in clothing for "FitTrack-enhanced" athletes, as they're calling us now.

I think we both know what's really happening here. You're not just postponing Christmas. You're postponing us. Postponing reality.

I love you, James. But I won't apologize for what I'm becoming. Maybe once you figure out how you feel about that, we can talk.

Until then, I've got a marathon to train for. And for the first time in my life, I'm not just aiming to finish - I'm aiming to win.

Take care of yourself,


P.S. - I broke 7 feet this morning. Thought you should know.

[End of correspondence]

3. r/FitTrackTransformation



🔝 Posted by u/ModTeam • Pinned

Welcome to r/FitTrackTransformation - READ FIRST

72.1k upvotes | 14.3k comments


1. Be respectful - we're all going through changes

2. No monetization/affiliate links

3. Progress pics must include height/stats and achievement badges

4. No requesting app exploits

5. Keep it civil and supportive

Useful Links:

- [Growth Timeline Spreadsheet]

- [Size-Friendly Shopping Directory]

- [Legal Support Resources]

- [Emergency Size Accommodation Info]


Posted by u/EmmaKTX • 6 hours ago

[Progress Pics] Marathon Training Transformation - Can't believe this is real

23.4k upvotes | 3.2k comments

Started using FitTrack for London Marathon training. The changes have been... dramatic.


- Starting height: 5'8"

- Current height: 7'0"

- Achievements: Platinum Distance (100km/week), Elite Endurance, Speed Demon

- Time frame: 3 weeks


Before anyone asks - yes, that's the same running outfit in both pics. Had to convert the leggings into shorts 😅

Edit: For those asking about my training plan and how I hit platinum so fast - I was already marathon training before the app. The badges just started triggering once I logged my usual distances.

Edit 2: RIP my inbox. Yes, I'm single now. No, I'm not interested in your "tall girl" fantasies.


Posted by u/TechieGal89 • 2 days ago

Has anyone figured out the exact trigger points for growth?

15.6k upvotes | 2.8k comments

I've been documenting every achievement and corresponding growth spurt. Here's what I've found:

Bronze achievements = no change

Silver = slight muscle tone increase

Gold = 1-2 inch growth + noticeable strength gain

Platinum = 3-5 inch growth + significant muscle development

But it seems inconsistent? My friend hit Platinum Cardio and grew 6 inches overnight, while I only grew 3 inches with the same achievement.

Anyone else tracking this?

Edit: Thanks for the gold! Please stop DMing me about "growth hacks" - I won't help you exploit the app.


Posted by u/GamerBF_Panic • 8 hours ago

GF accidentally used my FitTrack and now won't stop growing. HELP!

8.2k upvotes | 956 comments

I messed up bad. Left my FitTrack running while I showered after my workout. My girlfriend, who literally never exercises and streams games 12 hours a day, put it on "just to try it" and received the growth due to all the achievements I got).

She's grown 8 inches since yesterday and keeps getting random achievements from WALKING TO THE KITCHEN. She's currently 6'5" and counting. Already broke her gaming chair and can't reach her desk properly anymore.

Anyone know how to reverse this? Called support but got disconnected. Pharmacies nearby? Anything??

> u/TinyNow • 7 hours ago

> Mate, count yourself lucky you didn't shrink like the rest of us. I lost 5 inches last week.

> > u/GamerBF_Panic • 7 hours ago

> > How is this lucky?? She just broke her second headset!

> > > u/HeightRealist • 7 hours ago

> > > At least she can reach the top shelf now instead of asking you 🤷‍♀️

> u/DrugStoreDude • 6 hours ago

> Pharmacist here. Nothing we can do mate. Had dozens asking. It's permanent.

> Stop wasting your time.


Posted by u/Amy9021 • 5 hours ago

A Day in the Life of a 7'8" Pharmacist

6.9k upvotes | 445 comments

Hit platinum last week (thanks, FitTrack step counter). Now I'm ducking through doorways at work. The irony of dispensing medicine while people beg for "growth reversal pills" isn't lost on me.

Today alone:

- 5 tiny men asking for "anything to help grow back"

- 3 enhanced women wanting to stop growing

- 1 guy trying to buy all our calcium supplements (sir, that's not how this works)

- Had to remodel the dispensary to reach the top shelves (I'm now the only one who can)

No, we don't have anything to reverse this. Yes, I've checked. No, calcium won't help. No, protein powder won't stop it.

Also, friendly reminder: we can see you taking photos of us tall girls at the counter. Stop it.


Posted by u/TallTraveler99 • 3 hours ago

Airport pickup options when you're 7'2"?

3.4k upvotes | 234 comments

Flying into Heathrow next week. Last time I traveled (pre-growth), I took the tube. Not happening now - I literally don't fit.

What are my options? Regular Uber's too small, and I don't fancy crawling into a black cab.

Edit: Yes, I've booked extra legroom seats on the plane. Yes, I've warned the airline. No, I don't want to hear about your tall girl fetish.

> u/LondonLocal • 3 hours ago

> There's a new service called TallRide. All modified vehicles. Bit pricey but worth it.

> > u/TallTraveler99 • 3 hours ago

> > THANK YOU! Just booked.

> u/HeathrowHelper • 2 hours ago

> The airport now has a dedicated "Enhanced Transport" desk in Terminal 5. They can arrange appropriate vehicles.

> u/UberXL_Driver • 2 hours ago

> We've got special vehicles now! Look for "UberXXL" in the app. Reinforced seats, extra headroom.

> All drivers trained for enhanced passengers.