
[Story] Higher than expected

Published: November 14th 2024, 4:14:47 am

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Hi Hi ✨

Just got back from a short trip and catching up on posts! Starting with today's story - and don't worry, everything else will be up to date this morning 😅 T3&4 members, you'll find a continuation of Brianna's story, some extra images (including a fun 'what if'), and the full .txt file in your folders!

📦 Grab the full res images from the attachment section of this post. ⬇️


Higher than expected

"Dude, are you sure this is safe?" Carlos adjusted his glasses nervously, glancing around the deserted campus courtyard. The old brick buildings loomed around them, their shadows stretching long in the late afternoon sun.

"Relax, man!" Caleb grinned, pulling out a small baggie from his jacket pocket. "I modified this stuff myself in the lab. It's totally safe, just... enhanced." His eyes gleamed with pride as he held up the greenish substance.

Veronica flopped down onto the grass, her long dark hair spreading out like a fan. "Come on, Carlos! Live a little. We wouldn't let anything bad happen to you." She patted the ground beside her, smiling warmly.

Carlos hesitated before sitting down, maintaining a careful distance from Veronica. He'd only been part of their friend group for a few weeks, and he still couldn't quite believe that someone as vivacious as Veronica actually wanted to hang out with him.

"Alright, my chemical genius," Veronica teased as Caleb started rolling a joint, "what exactly did you do to it?"

"Just added a few compounds to enhance the euphoric effects," Caleb explained, his tongue sticking out slightly as he concentrated. "Should be way more potent than regular stuff. Nothing dangerous though, I promise."

"Says the guy who once accidentally turned all the lab rats purple," Veronica laughed.

"That was one time!" Caleb protested, lighting up the joint. "And they changed back... eventually."

He took a long drag before passing it to Veronica. She inhaled deeply, holding the smoke in her lungs before releasing it in a series of perfect rings.

"Show off," Caleb muttered good-naturedly.

When the joint reached Carlos, he stared at it uncertainly. "I've never actually..."

"Just inhale slowly," Veronica coached. "And don't worry if you cough. Everyone does their first time."

Carlos followed her instructions, immediately breaking into a coughing fit that had Veronica and Caleb howling with laughter.

As they passed the joint around, Veronica started feeling... strange. Not bad strange, just... different. She stretched out her arms, frowning slightly.

"Does anyone else feel really... stretchy?" she asked, wiggling her fingers.

Caleb snorted. "Stretchy? That's a new one."

"No, seriously," Veronica insisted, standing up. "I feel like I'm being pulled in all directions."

Carlos squinted up at her through the haze. "Huh. Is it just me, or do you look taller?"

"Oh my god, you guys are so high!" Veronica laughed, but she had to admit, the ground did seem a bit further away than usual.

Caleb lay back on the grass, grinning lazily. "It's just the weed, man. Makes everything look weird. Remember that time I thought my hand was the size of a house?"

Veronica rolled her shoulders, feeling an odd tingling sensation throughout her body. Her t-shirt felt tighter across her chest and shoulders, and her jeans seemed to be riding up her ankles.

"Check this out," she giggled, walking over to where Carlos sat. "I bet I can lift you up!"

Before Carlos could protest, Veronica grabbed him under the arms and hoisted him into the air with surprising ease.

"Whoa!" Carlos yelped, his feet dangling. "How are you doing that?"

"It's all in your mind, bro," Caleb drawled from his spot on the grass. "Classic weed hallucination. Making everything look all... proportiony weird."

Veronica set Carlos down, but the strange sensations continued. Her clothes felt increasingly uncomfortable, the fabric straining across her expanding frame. The sleeves of her t-shirt now barely reached her elbows, and her jeans had become impromptu capris.

"Guys," she said, a note of uncertainty in her voice, "I really think something's happening."

Carlos stood up, and his eyes widened as he realized he was now looking directly at her chest instead of her face. He had to tilt his head back to meet her eyes.

"This is some good stuff, Caleb," he said with a nervous laugh. "I'm totally hallucinating that Veronica's like, eight feet tall."

"Seven feet max," Veronica joked, but her voice wavered slightly as she looked down at her friends. Had they gotten shorter, or had she really grown?

Caleb finally sat up, blinking slowly. "Damn, this is wild. It's like one of those fun house mirrors, but... in my brain."

Veronica flexed her arm experimentally, watching as the sleeve of her t-shirt split along the seam, revealing increasingly defined muscles. "Um, guys? My clothes are literally ripping."

"That's what happens in hallucinations," Caleb said wisely, nodding his head. "Your mind makes everything super realistic. Like those dreams where you think you're falling and you can actually feel it."

Carlos reached out and poked Veronica's thigh, which was now roughly the size of his torso. "This is the most detailed hallucination ever. I can actually feel the muscle definition!"

Veronica looked down at herself in amazement. Her once-loose t-shirt now strained against her broadened shoulders and enhanced chest, the fabric threatening to give way completely. Her jeans had torn along the outer seams, unable to contain her growing muscles.

"I don't think this is a hallucination, guys," she said, placing her hands on her hips, which now stood level with Carlos's head.

"That's exactly what a hallucination would say," Caleb pointed out, still lying on the grass with a dreamy expression.

To demonstrate her point, Veronica reached down and easily lifted Caleb off the ground with one hand. "See? This is real!"

"Wow," Caleb said, dangling from her grip like a ragdoll. "The mind is such a powerful thing. I can actually feel myself floating!"

Carlos circled around Veronica, his scientific mind trying to process what he was seeing. "The level of detail is incredible. Look at how the light catches the striations in her muscles. And the proportional growth appears consistent throughout her body, maintaining roughly the same ratios just... larger."

"You guys are ridiculous," Veronica laughed, setting Caleb down. She had to be careful now – her strength had increased along with her size, and she didn't want to accidentally hurt her friends.

"Watch this," she said, reaching down to scoop up both of them, one in each arm. "Still think this is a hallucination?"

"Best trip ever," Caleb mumbled contentedly, not at all bothered by being held aloft by his now-gigantic friend.

Carlos, despite his initial nervousness, found himself laughing. "The sensation of weightlessness is remarkably convincing. The brain's ability to simulate physical sensations while under the influence of psychoactive substances is truly fascinating."

Veronica rolled her eyes, though she couldn't help but smile. Here she was, nearly eight feet tall with muscles that would make a bodybuilder jealous, holding her friends like they were dolls, and they were still convinced it wasn't real.

"You know what?" she said, carefully setting them down. "Maybe you're right. Maybe this is all just an illusion. In that case..." She flexed her arm, causing another seam in her shirt to split. "We might as well have fun with it!"

For the next hour, they continued their bizarre party. Veronica would lift them onto her shoulders, letting them ride around the courtyard while they discussed the incredible effects of Caleb's modified weed. They compared their hand sizes against her now-massive palms, tried (and failed) to wrap their arms around her thighs, and took turns hanging from her biceps like children on monkey bars.

"This is way better than that time I thought my furniture was made of jelly," Caleb declared, swinging gently from Veronica's outstretched arm.

"The proprioceptive feedback is remarkable," Carlos mused, attempting to measure Veronica's calf with his hands. "The illusion maintains consistent scale even when viewed from different angles."

"You guys are impossible," Veronica laughed, her voice booming in the quiet courtyard. She caught a glimpse of her reflection in a nearby window and had to admit, if she hadn't been experiencing it herself, she might have thought it was a hallucination too.

Her once-average frame had transformed completely. She now towered over her friends, her head nearly brushing the lower branches of the courtyard trees. Her muscles rippled with every movement, powerful yet somehow still feminine. Her clothes, what remained of them, clung to her enhanced form in tatters.

"I really liked this shirt," she sighed, looking down at the shredded fabric.

"Don't worry," Caleb said, patting her knee consolingly. "When the hallucination wears off, it'll be good as new!"

"And when exactly do you think that will be?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh, you know," he waved his hand vaguely, "when we come down. Usually takes a few hours."

Just then, a distant clock tower struck six, its chimes echoing across the campus.

"Oh shoot," Carlos said, suddenly looking worried. "I have a study group at six-thirty. I should probably go."

"Same," Caleb yawned, stretching. "I promised my roommate I'd help him with his chem homework tonight."

Veronica looked down at herself, then at her friends. "Um, guys? What about me? I can't exactly go back to my dorm like this."

"Like what?" Caleb asked innocently. "You look normal to me. Well, as normal as anyone looks when I'm this high."

"I'm literally twice your size!" Veronica exclaimed.

"That's just the weed talking," Carlos said, gathering his backpack. "You'll be back to normal once it wears off. The brain can't maintain such a complex hallucination indefinitely."

"But-" Veronica started, but they were already walking away, still chatting about what an incredible trip it had been.

"See you tomorrow!" Caleb called over his shoulder. "Try not to grow any bigger!" He laughed at his own joke as they disappeared around the corner.

Veronica stood alone in the courtyard, her head nearly level with the second-story windows, wearing the remains of her clothes, and wondered how she was going to explain this to her roommate.

"Well," she muttered to herself, "at least tomorrow's classes should be interesting."

She took a step toward her dorm, the ground trembling slightly beneath her enhanced weight, and felt another wave of tingles wash over her body.

"Oh no," she groaned as she felt herself starting to grow again. "Guys? GUYS! I don't think this is wearing off!"

But her friends were long gone, probably still convinced they'd just experienced the best hallucination of their lives. Veronica watched as the trees became easier to reach, her head now fully level with the second floor of the nearest building.

"Caleb," she sighed, ducking to avoid a branch, "we really need to talk about your chemical experiments."

As the sun set over the campus, casting long shadows that couldn't quite match her own, Veronica resigned herself to what would certainly be an interesting explanation to the housing department about why she could no longer fit in her dorm room. At least she had photographic evidence – assuming her phone hadn't been a hallucination too.

She looked down at the tiny device in her massive hand and couldn't help but laugh. Tomorrow was definitely going to be an interesting day, whether her friends believed it or not.

"I wonder if the university has a policy about giant students," she mused, carefully making her way toward the administration building. "Guess we're about to find out."
