Published: February 6th 2024, 7:48:03 pm
Doing something a bit different with the poll this time! All the options are for audios that are meant to be part of a series. I'm putting D&D part 2 on here, but also the part 1 for three other potential series.
Whatever audio wins, I'll put the next part in March's poll. If it loses, maybe I'll try to continue it another way the same month, either in a shorter (<10 mins), more story-focused audio or even in writing!
Bit of an experiment, but excited to try it and see what tou think.
1. Seducing Your Nerdy Dungeon Master, Part 2
I'd like to keep this as a bit of a slow burn, stepping up the actual acts each time, but definitely move into switch/dom territory. I think the roleplaying/fantasy element will be core to this series, but the DM will definitely roleplay as different NPCs. Someone suggested maybe another player could get involved, which is intriguing too!
2. Meeting the Starship's Crew, Part 1
I've had this idea for a sci-fi audio series for a while actually, where each audio the Listener character meets (and hooks up with) a different crewmate on the starship they're all travelling on. I like the idea that in this rough and tumble, Firefly/Cowboy Bebop/Alien inspired setting, it's extremely normal for crewmates to casually hook up since they spend so much time in close quarters, so there could be an almost free use or exhibitionist element, with casual conversation/ship duties happening during the sex. The different M characters would have different roles on the ship (pilot, security, mechanic, passenger), and I think it would be a fun challenge to make them distinct in voice, personality and sexual style.
3. Teaming Up with the Double Agent, Part 1
I've wanted to do a spy audio for a while, and I really think this is could be a fun way to do it. Every part could feature different, globe-trotting locales and lots of spy intrigue. Since both characters are spies, I think the core tension of this series would be wondering if you can trust M or if you're really on the same side! Switchiness, twists and turns, but also some light spy fun with galas, martinis and gadgets.
4. Enjoying Your Stay, Part 1
I felt like I should put at least one fully non-genre option on here, and I'll admit it's not very fleshed out, but something centering around a hotel or resort could be cool! Maybe the Listener character is travelling and staying for some time at a resort, shared cottage, or even a fancy old hotel. Different parts would feature different Speaker characters whether fellow guests (young college guy, wealthy business dude, person from your past, famous actor/musician?) or employees (bartender/server, lifeguard, tour guide, entertainer).